We had a fun time at the wedding and reception. The highlight for my gang came in the form of cupcakes instead of traditional wedding cake. They also enjoyed playing with friends in the church yard and blowing bubbles as the bride and groom left the building.
Will declared this his favorite wedding (Sorry Jess and Kat! His favor can be easily bought with cupcakes and bubbles!).

Ben and Mia were so intent on dipping their wands in the bubbles. The bubble jar was shaped like a cute little chapel.
What is it about boys and their shirt tails?

Great pics! Andy has said no...for now!:) The bubbles were great...the weather was great...and room to run and play with friends...what kid could ask for more?!
The Bean would have loved the bubbles too!
Her dress IS amazing! That is one of the prettiest I have seen! Love that Joel is telling Will from the beginning he will have to as Mia's dad! Awesome!
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