William and Micah's pregnancies, plus Benjamin and Mia's pregnancies, also overlapped but with a 6 month time span in between. That meant I was HUGE and Amy wasn't showing. Then by the time she did show, I was done. As a result, we don't have any pictures of us both obviously pregnant together.
Now we do! (Sidenote: Christie, we need you to "round out" our trio! She's due about the same time as Amy. With her 4th boy! Give her some prayers, Ladies!)
So fun! I have really enjoyed having a "Pregnancy Buddy". It's been so great having someone who REALLY understands the sickness, tiredness, excitement, anticipation, figuring out of rooms, and everything else that comes along with pregnancy. BTW, looks like it would be a bit more difficult to have another Girls Night Away: 4 of us wouldn't fit so well!:)
Great pic, and you're right...everyone needs a pregnancy buddy. It made pregnancy so much more enjoyable for me! Glad you guys have each other.
When I first saw the picture - my thought was - Preggo buddies. Guess you were thinking similar thoughts when you named your post. : )
You both look great!
How fun! I have a friend who had twins 2 months before The Bean was born. It was her first pregnancy too. It has been so nice to compare notes and have a buddy both through pregnancy and raising our girls.
Steph, The number keeps growing here. Every Sunday when I go to church I find out about more people who are expecting...I think we're up to 13 expected babies now...12 who are pregnant and one who just came home from China on Labor Day weekend with their little sweetie. :)
I talked to one of these who is due two weeks before me. Our conversation was not as exciting as decorating rooms or any of those things. We were talking about/trying to swallow the steady increases in hospital stays and the bill from our practice....who wants us to pay up front....and I'm trying to figure out how much to pay up front to avoid overpayment. I'm not into giving loans to doctors' offices. :) Wow, it's WAY more expensive with every child!!!
Fun to catch up on your blog. I've been hopping with Kindergarten and Ethan's fall schedule. Craziness! :) CC
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