Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome SITS Girls!

Welcome SITS Girls visitors!!

I'm super excited to be featured on the SITS Girls blog today!

If Stephanie's Mommy Brain is new to you, or you are a subscriber who usually reads through email, I invite you to poke around a bit and get familiar with the blog and me.

Start Here.

I suggest you begin with the About page. It's recently updated and includes a glimpse into the early days of Stephanie's Mommy Brain. I can't help laughing every time I look at the family picture on my About page. Obviously we don't take ourselves serious all the time.

Keeping It Real.

If we did, I would have never posted about how we moms always seem to discuss the poop and pee habits of our children. Why do we do that?! Worse yet, I showed a picture of my children's disgusting bathroom habits. Why did I include a picture?!

{Quickly moving on to something more pleasant!}

Let's Meet in Person.

I'm super excited to attend my first blog conference this year. Back in November I won a ticket to Bloggy Boot Camp with a post about a messy life moment. I can't wait to spend a whole day talking about blogs with women who think blogging is as fun as I do. If you are at the Philadelphia conference I'd love to connect in person!

Why wait? Let's Connect Now.

Thanks for stopping by today. Before you go, subscribe to the Stephanie's Mommy Brain and like my Facebook page so we can support each other now.


Jocelyn @ ScooterMarie said...

Hi, Stephanie. Happy SITS Day! And what I cute blog - I love the family picture. :)

Jamie said...

Happy SITS Day!!! I look forward to peeking around your blog. Enjoy your day.

C (Kid Things) said...

Congrats on your SITS day! I just read through your tips on toy storage, something I need help with, and have added more plastic tubs on to my 'to buy' list.

Thalia said...

Happy SITS Day! I'm enjoying your blog, especially the post about the season of motherhood that has ended for you. I might be in the same season, too. My youngest is 3and I think our family is complete, but it's hard for me to be absolute. Never say never, I guess...

Christa said...

Happy SITS Day! ;)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, I have to refrain from sharing certain stories about my kids whether it be on my blog or in person. Some people don't care about my kid's bathroom habits. Can you believe it?!

Happy SITS Day!!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY Sits Day! I love finding other homeschooling moms!

Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

Stopping over from the SITS site. Just had to say that I grinned while reading about your children's potty habits. With a 38 year old DH, plus 2 DS's, potty talk is always a topic of conversation!

Jeanette Nyberg said...

Hi Stephanie! Happy S-Day, and congrats on winning the blog pass. So cool.

Stephanie Kay said...

C (Kid Things), thanks for celebrating SITS day with me! I'm glad you found my toy tips helpful. I've even converted my hubby to the system and bought 5 smallish tubs this week to contain all his handyman gear. He plans to organize his "work room" over this long weekend. It might be the first time he hasn't hated the thought of organizing his stuff. :D

Stephanie Kay said...

hotpants, oh the things I do refrain from telling!! And the pictures I DON'T show. ;D

Stephanie Kay said...

Thanks for stopping by, ladies!

Jocelyn @ScooterMarie, I'm glad you like the goofy family picture. With 4 kids it's hard to get everyone still and looking in the same direction at once so I always start with a silly pose to help get the nerves out. Most of the time those are my favorite pictures.

Thalia, never say never is a good philosophy. One of my friends is currently pregnant with her 3rd baby, 6 years after declaring they were done. :)

Jamie, I love connecting with other home school moms. I don't consider myself a homeschool blogger but I occasionally share about our curriculum and projects.

Jen, oh the potty talk stories I could share with a husband and 3 sons in the house!! Somethings you do NOT have to teach them. It just comes naturally.

Craftwhack, thanks! I can't wait to attend Bloggy Boot Camp.

jamie @ [kreyv] said...

Thanks for sharing today! Off to look at more posts!

Lisa said...

Happy SITS day!

alyce@culinarythymes said...

Enjoy your SITs day! Looking forward to reading more.

Trianna said...

Happy SITS Day! With such an amazingly busy life, I don't know how you find time to blog! Congrats on winning the BBC ticket!

Michael said...

HAPPY SITS DAY!!!! Your family looks like so much funny. I cant wait to start reading.

SHARM said...

Hello Stephanie, Congrats on your SITS DAY! I love your blog and the topics you have chosen.

Jenn and Casey said...

Cute picture!!! Happy SITS day:)

Patricia said...

Happy Sits day! Love the organizational tips. Liked you on facebook!

Angie said...

Excited to have found you! Subscribed! Go SITS! (apparently I love exclamation points today...sorry)

Emily said...

Happy SITs Day! Your blog is great!

Caren with a "C" said...

Happy SITS Day! Sounds like you are a busy mom like me! What a fun family pic over on SITS! :)

Alene said...

Love seeing you here. I was hoping you were going to say you'd be at Dallas BBC. Can't wait. I've never gone before. Happy SITS day!

LaShawn Wiltz said...

Happy SITS day!!! Just read the tips on toy storage because I need help!!! I wish I could show you a photo of how bad it is! LOL I'll be back!

Rachael said...

Happy SITS Day!

Amanda said...

Happy SITS day! Hope it's amazing.

Unknown said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Enjoy the spotlight! I love your family photo!!! I went to the Philadelphia conference last was a fun time.

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day! I've been digging through your blog and you seem so organized! With 4 kids I can't imagine how since I barely manage even a little bit of organization with 2 kids lol! Great blog! I'll be back!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Off to see what I can glean about organization.

Stephanie Kay said...

Thanks for stopping by, Ladies!

Trianna, we're usually done with school by lunch so I blog in the afternoon and evenings while my kids play. Truthfully, I've been staying up WAY to late blogging as I prepare to launch a 2nd blog but hopefully that will get back to normal after launchs in February.

Alene, we're hoping to sell our house in Rhode Island and move to Texas this year. I debated going to the Dallas BBC but I'm afraid we won't be moved by then and I'll have to buy plan tickets. Maybe next time?

Rose's Daughter, my toy organization has developed over time. If I were starting from scratch today I would set aside a long weekend, count all the different groups of toys we have, buy that many tubs and then make it a sorting game with me kids. Just take it one step at a time and you'll get there. :)

Me, I'm more organized now with 4 kids than I was with 2. Four kids are much easier than 2! They have more playmates to choose from and they mostly entertain each other without me.

Deanna @ Little Green Bow said...

Happy SITS day to you! Looking forward to reading more. As someone without kids, it amazes me that my friends that have recently become parents do talk A LOT about their baby's bodily functions. Why is this a natural tenancy? Who knew it was so fascinating? Hoping to resist when it's my turn, but I am sure it will be impossible. Thanks for the laugh!

Unknown said...

Cool... I am new to your blog. I often subscribe via email, but click links tot get to the actual blog of those blogs to which I am subscribed via email.....

I don't recall discussing my children's elimination habits or issues. Butt then again I didn't blog until they were school age and I didn't have friends when they were little to whom to tell what they were doing....

So, I am off to poke around the links......


Unknown said...

{about}- what a fun picture! Your husband could use some lessons oon looking goofy, though.... just a couple.

And ANYTHING is better than watching Barney.. even homeschooling! [wait. I homeschool. It's MUCH MUCH better than Barney].. Even going to the dentist is better than watching Barney!! [um, but I like going to the dentist.]
Even cleaning the bathroom is better than watching Barney! I DETEST cleaning the bathroom.. as is obvious when you look in my bathroom....

I started getting more into blogging a few years ago.. not so much as the 'comrade in arms' encourager, but as the 'older Been There Done That' supporter.

Jennifer Hall said...

Happy Saturday SITS Day to you! Nice to meet you!

Stephanie Kay said...

Deanna @Little Green Bow, I didn't get it before I had kids. The idea of pee or poop on my hand grossed me out. And DO NOT ask me to stick my hand in a kid's mouth or wipe snot. After being a mom for 8+ years none of that fazes me now. I've been puked on, pooped on, snotted on, peeped, bled on. That doesn't mean I LIKE it. And I don't want to deal with other people's kids bodily functions. There's just something different about what comes from your own little people. :)

Stephanie Kay said...

Kimberly, I have friends with kids almost the exact ages as my kids. Maybe that's the difference. My husband is very goofy at home. His co-workers would be shocked at how funny he is. I think I would have to pick Barney over cleaning the bathroom. That's my absolute least favorite job!

Diane - It's All Good Until You Burn Dinner said...

Congrats on being the SITS featured blogger! So, far, I love what I see! Glad to follow you on Facebook and Twitter! See you soon!

Unknown said...

GO Girl! Happy SITS Day! I love the fact that you showed us how your blog has evolved. I love stories like that. And, your invite to bloggy boot camp has got me thinking about going. Nice post.

Stephanie Kay said...

Thanks for the follow, Diane!

Luci, let me know if you decide to go to Philly. :D

Ms. Kathleen said...

Congratulations on your SITS day! This is my first visit. You are one busy lady with four kiddos at home - I've been there! I'll be back... :)

Rachel Cotterill said...

Happy SITS day! :) I love meeting other bloggers so I wish I could make it to one of the conferences, but sadly SITS-in-Europe hasn't happened yet. I'll keep my fingers crossed, though...

Melissa {momcomm} said...

Sorry I didn't get over here on your ACTUAL SITS day, but wanted to pop over and say hi anyway! Your picture on the SITS page cracked me up and totally fits with the name of your blog. Haha!

See ya on Twitter, girl!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day!

mypixieblog said...

Happy happy SITS day--I love your family photo and enthusiasm. Excited to get to know you a bit better, so hope you don't mind while I poke around.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Brianna Storch said...

Congrats on your SITS day! :)

Marie said...

Happy happy belated SITS day! :)

Robin said...

Congratulations on your SITS day. I hope it was a really fun day for you. Sorry I'm late.

Of Pandas and Pirates said...

Happy SITS Day! That's how I found your blog. I love the SITS community!! You have a fabulous blog here!!

No Drama Mama said...

Happy (belated) SITS day! I'm commenting on this post, but I saw a later post on an LM Montgomery book--so I'll comment there too, because I'm a huge, dorky fan. Love you already!

Lori said...

Happy belated SITS day from me, too! My SITS day is today and I was poking around on the SITS site and came across your blog. I had to write when I saw that you are planning to go to the Philadelphia Boot Camp! I'm going, too!! Hope to meet you there! ~Lori

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