We tried a kit for a real gingerbread house a few years ago but it was really complicated and you couldn't eat it. So, we went back to simple and edible graham crackers.
To make your own graham cracker gingerbread house you will need:
- graham crackers
- assorted candy decorations (we used gum drops)
- white frosting or make your own "cement" icing*
First, break your graham crackers in half so that they are almost squares.
Next lay one graham cracker on a paper plate.
Then frosting/icing on three edges of a second graham cracker. Position 2nd cracker against the 1st. Repeat for three other sides.
Finally, smear 6th graham cracker with frosting/icing and position on top.
Use the frosting/icing to "glue" on candy decorations.
I've learned a few lessons from our graham cracker gingerbread houses.
1. When using "cement" icing let it sit for about 5 minutes after mixing. It needs time to thicken up and get sticky. Otherwise your house will fall down.
2. "Cement" icing is way too much trouble. It's good for older kids who don't want to eat their gingerbread houses. My kids want to eat it!
3. No matter what you do this is a messy craft with lots of finger licking. Have a wet washcloth handy for clean up.
4. One (or all) of the houses will probably fall down. Help your child laugh about it and then fix it.
I hope your children enjoy making graham cracker gingerbread houses as much as mine did!
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* Cement icing recipe from Angelina Ballerina's Christmas Crafts: 1 egg white, 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar, 1 cup powdered sugar, food coloring.
Beat egg white with cream of tartar till peaks form. Add powdered sugar and beat 5 minutes with electric mixer. Add food coloring if desired.
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My kids loving making the Graham cracker gingerbread house! This year I am going to buy a pre made house and then let them decorate the outside, I get annoyed with the graham crackers always falling down :)
My kids love making graham cracker houses as well. One year we bought kits from IKEA--the directions included said to stick the house together using melted sugar (it melts into caramel). It worked wonderfully, and we've continued to do it that way every since. Do be careful because the sugar is very hot!
We tried the pre-made house 2 years ago. My advice is to let the icing sit for a few minutes and get a little sticky. Otherwise you have the same falling down problem. My kids want to actually eat their houses so graham crackers work well for us. Have fun! :)
Thanks for the tip about melted sugar. I'll have to try that next year! Sounds delicious too.
Looks so fun, and so easy! We get overwhelmed with the gingerbread house kits too...too many specifics. :) *This* we could do!
It's super easy, especially if you use a can of vanilla flavored frosting. My kids are 3-8 yrs so we had a lot of finger licking going on. But that's part of the fun, right? :)
Adorable! I am going to add something like this to our many Advent activities.
Coming over to visit from the HHH.
Many blessings,
Thanks for stopping by Lisa. I love your profile pic!
Maybe we would have had better luck with something small like this!
These are great! I would love for you to share them with my readers via my weekly homeschooling link up! http://3boysandadog.com/deals/2011/homeschooling-on-the-cheap-12082011-link-up/
Good Memories in the making! Had to Pin it!
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