Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Thanksgiving Kid's Activities and Books

I believe Thanksgiving is an important holiday for my children to understand and celebrate. To make sure I put action to my words this year I put together an activities and book plan, or unit study in the language of home schoolers.

This is a list of all my posts related to Thanksgiving children's activities, children's books, and anything else Thanksgiving that I share throughout November. My plans are quick and simple.  For the most part they don't require a lot of preparation or supplies.

I hope you are inspired by our activities. One activity a week is a great place to start!

Be sure to like Stephanie's Mommy Brain on Facebook where I'm sharing more Thanksgiving tips and links throughout November. 

Linked to:
Tip Junkie handmade projects Hip Homeschool Hop Button Women Online


  1. Wow! This is great! Thanks for putting it all together in one place.

  2. MissMOE, glad you like it! I hope you find a few ideas you can use.

  3. This sounds great! I'll have to share.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday Stephanie! That is some list you've got there. Great job!

  5. This is awesome! I would love it if you would link it to a recent post of mine. Here is the page- http://hammockhomeschool.blogspot.com/
    Stopping by from Hip Homeschool Moms.

  6. Thanks Ladies! It's a fun series to do with my kids and write about.

  7. This is wonderful! Thanks so much for posting.

  8. This is wonderful! Thanks so much for posting.


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