Monday, January 26, 2009

First Ever Stephanie's Mommy Brain Giveaway!

Welcome to the first ever Stephanie's Mommy Brain Giveaway!

If you are new here, thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to subscribe to my RSS feed so you can find Stephanie's Mommy Brain again!

If you are a regular visitor to Stephanie's Mommy Brain, thanks for being a loyal reader! Have you considered subscribing to my RSS feed? You will receive my new posts much quicker that way!

For first time visitors, let me tell you a little about Stephanie of Stephanie's Mommy Brain.

As you can guess, I am a mom. I am also the home school Kindergarten teacher for my oldest son (I have 3 boys! and a girl). Much of my day is spent instructing refereeing my children (5, 4, 2.5 years) or nursing my youngest (3 months).

When I'm not tending to my kids I try to manage my household. Right now that means menu planning, cleaning our home, organizing all our stuff, and tracking our finances.

In my spare time (bwhahahahahaha!), I read grown-up books and blog about - home management and family life.

As I considered my prize for this giveaway two things were important to me. 1. I don't want to have to go to the post office! As you can imagine, it's quite the ordeal. 2. I want to give people something they will really like and use.

So, I offer to you ... A $25 Amazon Gift Card (electronic version!).

Because it is electronic (meaning no shipping), this giveaway is open to anyone. Just leave a comment telling me if you are a first time visitor, an occasional visitor or a regular visitor to Stephanie's Mommy Brain. If you only write "pick me" or something similar you will be disqualified from the giveaway. I'd hate for that to happen!!

Thanks for stopping by Stephanie's Mommy Brain! Come again real soon!!

*** Edited to add: Comments will close Jan. 30 (Friday) at 7:00 PM (Eastern) with the drawing via shortly after that. Please remember I can't contact you if I don't have your email address or blog name!

*** Edited to add: Thanks for all the compliments on the Cheerios layout. I have a confession. All I did was type my name and tag line into the header. If you like this layout go visit Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates. She has some great layouts and easy to follow tutorials!

*** For more giveaways visit Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival.


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Stephen Saunders said...

Stephanie's mommy brain huh... hmm, that sounds kinda disturbing. A brain? eek! Is it like... a man eating, terrible ferocious omg stevie killing brain?!?!

Enter me please, I'd love to win... and I'm a first time visitor.

P.S. "pick me"


Donna L said...

This is my FIRST time. It was your Blogger title that caught my eye.

Lilly said...

This giveaway is great! Thanks for the chance to win it. And I am a first time visitor.

Anonymous said...

Hi - I'm a first-time visitor, but will be back! Thanks for hosting the giveaway and thanks for your blog!
pindernut (at)

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor.
I'm very intrigued about your header, what made you pick cereal?

Sena said...

This is my first time here! :))
Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor...but your site is cute. How you do it with 4 kids, I'll never know! WOW, I'm impressed!

Mike Karr said...

Hello, first time visitor here!
Thank you for the contest!

Anonymous said...

First time visitor, and i love the site

Amanda said...

first time here.. going to get your blog out more since i want to start homeschooling my son. thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

first time I've seen your blog. it's great though! :)


Anonymous said...

I'm a first timer but I plan on coming back! thanks for the opportunity!

Amanda H. said...

I'm a first timer, but you are now bookmarked! :)

Adriana said...

I'm a first time visitor... Thank you :)

Molly said...

I'm a first time visitor. I'm always looking for fun blogs to read. Thanks for sharing this, I love Amazon.
baron4ml at

Anonymous said...

I,m first time visitor

getpalmd said...

First time visitor :-) I by the way love your background!

Jody said...

First time visitor but am adding you to my Bloglines reader!


Michelle said...

I'm a first time visitor, over from Bloggy Giveaways. Thanks for an awesome prize and the chance to win!

Angela C said...

First time visitor. From what I read so far it looks like you have your hands full. Thanks for the great giveaway :)
angelacisco at

Anonymous said...

This is my first time at your blog. Please enter me in the contest!

amysmith98 @

billie the girl said...

I'm a newbie here (as in, this is my first visit), drawn by the power of the blogger carnival. ^_^

Anonymous said...

First-timer here :) Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

Susan said...

I am a first time visitor--thanks to the wonderful bloggy giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win!

snkjohnson at gmail dot com

sue14625 said...

first time great site will be back

Anonymous said...

This is my very first visit to your blog. I love Amazon since you can find anything there.

JoyFilled said...

I'm a first time visitor but I'm subscribing to your feed...this Bloggy Carnival has been great for hooking me up with blogs about homeschooling and frugality. We're just about to start homeschooling my oldest daughter.

lukeandbryn @

Kathy said...

I am a first time visitor. Thanks for this giveaway. Love your blog.


Erik and Amanda Hansen said...

I'm a first time visitor and a homeschool mom too!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time reader...But your blog definitely ROCKS!

Ames said...

I'm a first time visitor thanks to the giveaway carnival - LOVE your background :)

Anonymous said...

first time visitor...:-)
I will be back again!

Shirley said...

I'm a first time visitor to your blog. What I have seen so far is very interesting. I have subscribed to a feed that I will read on My Yahoo.

Nickolay said...

I am a first time visitor. Thank you very much for this chance to win

Unknown said...

I'm brand new around these parts, but I like what I see! I'll be back....

shel704 at aol dot com

ikkinlala said...

I'm an occasional visitor, like I am on many blogs - I like to catch up in blocks rather than trying to visit a lot of sites every day.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Anonymous said...

I have been to your blog before, but not for a while.

Anonymous said...

I am a first time visitor. And based on your first commenter I may book mark you and come back. May be homeschooler my 1st grader next year!


Anonymous said...

I am a first time visitor. And based on your first commenter I may book mark you and come back. May be homeschooling my 1st grader next year!


LFinn said...

I am a first time visitor--but I just checked out your post on "How do you get a 2 year old girl to sit on the toilet?" and I had to laugh. That is EXACTLY what we are doing right now! Thanks for a great giveaway-Amazon is always fun.
Check out my blog for a Joanns giftcard giveaway.

Anya said...

I'm a first-time visitor..thanks for the chance.

Alibi said...

This is my first time visiting.
I'll be back i'm a blog junkie.

Tuesday Girl said...

first timer here, and I love finding new great mommy blogs!

MoMologette said...

First timer here. But the cheerio theme makes me hungry. Thanks for the giveaway chance!


bren j. said...

Ugh. Menu planning. One of my least favorite but most important drudgeries (which is not a real word, but aptly describes the task).
I'm a first-time visitor. Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is my first visit to your blog and I'm enjoying it. Thanks for the chance to win.

Norberto Kurrle said...

Wow, you are a busy mom! This is my first time here. Thanks for the opportunity to enter this fantastic giveaway!

witchy64 said...

I am a first timer :)

Chris and Don said...

I am a first time visitor but will definitely be back!

Tes283 said...

First time visitor. Thanks for inviting me in. I brought a coffee cake - pecan - like a slice?

Maude Lynn said...

I'm a first time visitor. I love the Cheerios!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor. Thanks for the giveaway!

Mama Dawg said...

I'm a first time visitor but I'll be back for sure!

Cynda Western Felini said...

This is my first time to visit but will definately be back again. The greatest thing about the bloggy giveaways is discovering new blogs!

The Van Nuland Family said...

First time visitor.

Barbara Bee said...

I'm a first time visitor and I love Amazon! ;-)

3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com

Stacey said...

I'm a first time visitor. Great site

Andrea said...

I'm a first time visitor :-)

christmasinmarch {at} gmail {dot} com

Casey said...

This is something I would definitely like! I'm a first time visitor :) but, I'll be coming back

Karen said...

I am a first time visitor but I will definitely be coming back!

Anonymous said...

I am a first time visitor - I'll be checking you out. Great giveaway - thanks!

Unknown said...

First time visitor, but I'll be back. I am loving this blog!

the schros said...

this is my first time- great site.
katelynthames at yahoo dot com

Katie said...

I am a first time visitor. I love the cheerios going down the side of your blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor, but will definitely stay around and read more - thanks!


islandgirl said...

first time poster!

cl said...

I'm a first time visitor. Thanks.


first time visitor

Erika Powell said...

I am a first time visitor and i just love your cheerios background.

Claire Roach said...

I'm a first time visitor (let's be honest-I came from Bloggy Carnival, isn't it great?!). I love your cheerio design-I've never seen it before! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

First time here. great blog. im sure I'll be back. I bookmarked you.
and I can never get myself off Amazon. so many goodies.


Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor from Bloggy Giveaways. I'd remember the layout. :-) God bless you!


Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor, and I love your Cherioes layout. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I'm a first timer, over from Sandier Pastures. I love exploring new blogs I might not have otherwise found, so this is fun!
(my email address is the same as my opnid aim name, just at

Mandi said...

I'm a first time visitor. I love your layout. It's so fun.

Teresa Young said...

First time visitor - off to read up on how to declutter my kitchen

Tiffany819 said...

I'm a first time visitor. Love the page! Thank you for the giveaway!!

guru said...

My referee days are long over, but I do remember those days.
I'm a first time visitor. Thanks for the giveaway!

Emily said...

First time visitor.

Thanks for offering it!

princesslimey (at) gmail (dot) com

Nodaichi said...

I'm a first time visitor. Thank you for the awesome giveaway :)

The Bells said...

I'm a newbie... but i love the cheerios.

Thanks for the giveaway!!


lisakay720 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I am a first time visitor! Thanks for the giveaway. freetibet1974 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

As familiar as the name of your blog sounds, I'm a first time visitor!

Thanks for offering such a great giveaway. I love me some Amazon.

admin (at)

andrew said...

First time visitor here. And, I too, like your cheerios. Your "confession" about them also made me smile!

gitrecca at gmail dot com

Janelle said...

I'm a first time visitor, but plan to do some looking around. :-) Thanks so much!!

Jenny said...

I am a first-time visitor. Found you through the carnival. I'm pretty impressed with your site so I'll be back. Thanks for the giveaway!

AK Momma said...

I am a first time visitor. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

First time visitor, here. Just noticed you are in RI. I am originally from RI, still work there, but live in CT! Small world

michelle said...

This is my first time visiting, courtesy of the Bloggy Giveaways. I find a number of interesting blogs through entering. Thanks for the giveaway.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

nicki72182 said...

This is my first visit :) But I'll be taking a look around before I get back to the Bloggy Giveaways. Thanks for the giveaway! I think it's a great prize.

Andrea Clifton said...

I am a first time visitor, but that will change. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Very nice layout! I'm a first time visitor, Thanks!

Wehaf said...

I'm a first time visitor. :)

urchiken at gmail dot com

DEBIJOT said...

I am a first time visitor, but now that I have found you I will be back.

Lori A. said...

I am a first time visitor! I look forward to checking your blog out. Sounds like I could learn something here. :)

ljatwood at gmail dot com

TJ said...

First time and I love it :)

D Q said...

I am a first time visitor. You have a lot of great tips on your blog.

heidi @ ggip said...

Hi. I am a first time visitor. This is a great blog name!!

Thank you for the opportunity!

I am also giving away a restaurant gift card if you are interested! Thank you!

Beverlydru said...

I'm a first time visitor. Thanks for telling me where to find a new blog look.

Booklogged said...

I'm an eager reader and would love to win your generous give away.

Anonymous said...

First time visitor - thank you so much for this opportunity!


Anonymous said...

I am a first time visitor. You have a very nice site.

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor!

ljsfunone said...

I am a first time visitor, but plan on bookmarking to come back again...

Thanks for the giveaway.

*~Dani~* said...

First time visitor, but I will be back. Don't know what it is, but the subject of homeschooling fascinates me. Must be my desire to be a teacher when I was a child.

Trish said...

first time visitor-nice blog:)
please enter me in your giveaway-thanks!

Anonymous said...

first time visitor! found you through the carnival... love your layout :)
going to subscribe now... thanks for the giveaway!
wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor from the Bloggy Carnival (duh) and I'll tell you this. Just because some of them force you to subscribe doesn't mean I'll be back. I'll be back if I like the looks of the site. It's nice you don't force us to sign up to be your best pal forever!

NMLady said...

I am a first time visitor. My mind is absolutely boggled that you have time/energy to blog when you have those little stairsteps to keep up with, 24 hours a day.
I'm a grandmother and years ago had day care for 5 little ones under age 7. I loved them but was always glad to send them home with their parents at 6pm. How DO you do it? You've got my admiration.
I'd love to win the $25 ecard. I've gotten them before as gifts since my friends/family know I love to read, plus Amazon has so many other things too besides books.

Kaitlin said...

First time visitor. Like others have mentioned, your layout rocks! I love it.


Jeanette J said...

Another first timer here. I'll be back later

Suz said...

I am a first time visitor. Thanks for taking the time to share and thanks for the giveaway!

txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

Sheila Hickmon said...

Im a first timer!! I like your blog! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor. I love the Cheerio background -- how cute!

Thanks for the chance!...
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Wendy said...

First time visitor!

And you finished 4 grownup books in a month? Do you not sleep?

Sarah Z said...

First time visitor - staying home with 4 little ones? Yikes!
believedreamcourage (at)

Shanda said...

I am a first time visitor. Great blog! thanks

Amy said...

I'm a first time visitor that loooves Amazon!

LivingforGod said...

I am a first time visitor. We're also a homeschooling family.

Wendy aka Misswendiki said...

I'm a first timer, but I'll be back. Great blog, and thanks for the chance to win!

Leland's Mama said...

I'm a first time visitor and enjoying. Thanks. (

Anonymous said...

Hi I am a first time visitor I realy did not know that all of these blogs were out here in the macicla world of the web!

Momnerd said...

This is my first time here but I love what I see! Thanks!

Kristy said...

This is my first visit to your blog and I also love the cheerios. Thanks for the chance!


CaseyDeuce said...

I'm a first time visitor and I've enjoyed poking around your blog! I'm sure I'll be back too!!

Anonymous said...

Never visited before.

CC said...

I'm a 1st time vistor and would love to win!

Unknown said...

I'm a first time visitor. I your cheerios background! I'll have to go to that site to get a new layout I don't like mine too much. :(

Kaycee said...

I am a first time reader but I will surely be back! You seem like you have your hands full! And I will be homeschooling my daughter before too long and would love to read more about how you do it! Love the layout too! If I win this, im gonna get my daughter some of those super cute See Kai Run shoes that everyone has been talking about. Thanks!

kayceewilliams at gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

I am a first time visitor -- tvollowitz at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit. I am very new to blogging. I am really enjoying reading all the blogs now.

MonkeyBaby said...

i'm a first time visitor -- but i'm sure i;ll be back!

cvdmvega said...

I am a first time visitor and a homeschooler kiddos are older...ds10 and dd12...more arguments and lots of hormones...LOL...I would never change a moment of is so cool to watch them grow up right before your eyes...thank you for giving me the oportunity at this giveaway...Carol Jo

Stephanie said...

I visit your blog frequently after I found it from a comment on my blog :) I subscribe to your feed as well! I really enjoy your blog, and since we share the same name, I think we are well on our way to being great cyber friends!

Anonymous said...

I think I have been here before. :)

goonsquadsarah at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the great giveaway! My wishlist on Amazon is never ending! I am a first time visitor. Glad to have found you!
hondaray6 at hotmail dot com

wendy wallach said...

I am a first time visitor. Thank bloggy carnival.

madamerkf at aol dot com

Sylvia said...

I'm a first time visitor but will return.

Tara said...

First time visitor! Love the cheerio background.

mommy koala at live dot com

AudreyO said...

My first time here. I love your background. Cheerios were our best friend when my kids were young. I love Amazon, though I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who doesnt LOL.

ariyana9501 said...

I'm an occasional visitor. I don't currently follow any blogs because it seems I like too many and can't keep up with all of them! I bookmark many, and check them out as often as I can!

Unknown said...

I'm a first tiem visitor - I'll have to come back again! :-) Thanks for the giveaway.

ariel36disney [at] yahoo [dot] com

rlgrady said...

I'm a first timer. Thanks for the giveaway!


Tinyblessing said...

I am a first timer! New to all of this!

Julie said...

I'm a first time visitor, but I'm going to subscribe to you with google reader!

Jingle said...

I am a first time visitor! Your blog looks like it has lots of interesting topics!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

Angie said...

This is the first time I have ever been here. I love finding new blogs to read! The little hand on the cheerios almost made me sweet! My kiddos loved their cheerios when they were little..takes me back! Thanks! Have a good day!


Anonymous said...

First time visitor! You look good!

peggie dot loden at gmail dot com

Marsha said...

First time visitor, but plan to come back often!

LoriM said...

First time visitor. I'll stop and browse for a bit. Thanks for the giveaway... and I totally agree about avoiding taking children to the post office.
scrappylori at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I am a first time visitor....but I confess I wandered about a bit...cuz you caught my eye. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

first time reader!!great blog 4 kids thats something!!I have 2 at home and oh my!!


Sandra said...

I am a first time visitor but will be bookmarking your site to come back to when I have more time to read through things. Thanks for the giveaway!

owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net

Maggie said...

I'm a first time visitor. I like your blog. Thanks for the giveaway!

FaithfulMommy said...

Hi, I am a first time visitor and will come back again!

Jenn said...

Yipee!! I love Amazon- thanks so much for supporting my shopping addiction!! :)

I am a first time visitor and I really like the look of your blog!! SO cute!!

Thanks for the great giveaway!!


Dawn said...

First time visitor.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor! I totally understand the not going to the post office - I don't like doing it with 2 kids!

karla at endikos dot com

Unknown said...

THis is my first time here! You have such great ideas. I'm going to have to bookmark your site!

Alyce said...

I am a first time visitor.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

auntrene said...

Hi, First I am a brand new blogger so this is my first visit to your blog. Thank you for sharing it with us.Thank you for offering the Amazon gift card.
I have to also add that I love your Cheerios background and have now bookmarked the site you got it from. Thanks for sharing that information with us also.
Have a Great Day!

A Reader said...

First time visitor here.
Thanks for the giveaway!

miller lawn service said...

I'm a first-timer. I found you through the bloggy giveaways. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

First time to visit your blog and came through orgjunkie's site. Thanks for the giveaway!

WAHMgroup said...

is my first time here but I will have to check it out more.

Linda said...

Hi! I'm an occasional reader. I come back as I can to read past posts.
cokelush at gmail

Mtlgrl4evr said...

I'm a first time visitor! Great blog!

cheryl c said...

First time visitor! Thanks for the giveaway!

shaunjoy said...

First time visitor -- love the cheerios header -- looks like my house!! Thanks for giving us a chance to win -- love Amazon!

Sweetpeas said...

First time visitor, thanks for including me!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor. Thanks for a great giveaway!

misterjimmy at sbcglobal dot net

Polished10 said...

I am a newbie first time visitor. I am finally getting around to checking out other people's blogs. I write often in mine & am slowly coming out of my "shell", haha.

Angela said...

I'm a first time visitor. Cute site!

Anonymous said...

I am a first time visitor :)
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!

One Crazy Mama said...

Well I am a first time visitor turned regular reader. I now have it saved to add to my favorite blogs list on my blog. I really enjoyed reading your blog today.

Kelly said...

I'm a first time visitor, but I'm interested in coming back because two of your kids are the same ages as mine (5 and 2.5 - HOW do you handle 2 more in there!?!?) and if you're homeschooling I really want to see what's working for you at any given time. I have a hard time working with my kids at home, I never seem to be able to figure out what will work for them.

Becca said...

I'm a first time visitor from the bloggy carnival. Thanks for this awesome contest! sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com

JenniferB said...

I'm a regular and a subscriber! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor, but thanks for the chance to win.

jes (at) beautyfromchaos (dot) com

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your site. I must say I TOO really enjoyed your Template. It is so adorable and unique!

thesmithclan at stny.rr dot com

Sarah said...

First time visitor! The cheerios background cracked me up. Oh the life of a mommy.

crystal said...

I have visited a few times. This is a great giveaway.

Rachel R. said...

I'm a first-time visitor (and enjoying your sense of humor). :) Thanks for entering me!

Unknown said...

I am a first time visitor.


mike.kris said...

I'm a first-time visitor. Thanks for the giveaway. I hear you on the "mommy brain"!

Anonymous said...

first time, looks great
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Kelly said...

I am a first time visitor. Thanks so much for the contest! :-)

krtrumpet [at] aol [dot] com

Dana said...

I am also a first time visitor. That's what's so great about the Bloggy Giveaway get to meet so many new faces!


Andi said...

First time visitor here. Will take a look around. Thanks for the chance!

Betty N said...

This is my first visit to your blog. I found you through the Bloggy Carnival.

Suzanne said...

I'm a first time visitor, but I love "mommy blogs" so I'm sure I'll be back! :)

Celene said...

I'm a first timer! God Bless, Celene

Katie said...

This is my first time but will be back for more. Thanks for the chance and I know exactly what you mean when you say you don't want to go to the post office.

katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

Reva Skie said...

I am a first time visitor, I found you thru the bloggy carnival.

remarker/fcffollower said...

I'm a first time visitor but will be coming back after the carnival to learn more about you.

covercover said...

I'm a first time visitor!
Count me in!
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Krista said...

I'm a first time reader. Thanks for the great giveaway! :)
teacherkrista at gmail dot com

Tammy said...

I think this is my first visit. You sound busier than me! Thanks for the contest.

slylady said...

This is my first time here but certainly not my last! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

First time visitor. Amazon is great.

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