My search struck gold with Canoe Days written by Gary Paulsen and illustrated by Ruth Wright Paulsen. The book contains a simple poem-like account of a man's solitary canoe ride on a still lake. While reading this book to my children I felt as though I were enjoying the peaceful ride and seeing the ducks, fawn and raccoon right along with the narrator.
The illustrations are equally wonderful. They look as though someone transformed photographs into paintings keeping the details of one and romantic feel of the other. My guess is they are oil paintings. Regardless, the illustrations make you want to find a quiet lake and watch the wildlife.
Sounds like a perfect activity for a lazy summer (or almost autumn) day to me.
I'll have to look for this one. Where are you from in Arkansas? I lived in El Dorado until I was about 12 or so, and we moved back to Louisiana.
I know what you mean about the accent. I was talking to my uncle one day on the phone when he suddenly said, "you lost your accent!" Mind you I live in Houston now so it's not like I migrated away from a Southern accent. But I can definitely feel and hear my accent creep back in much deeper when we drive up the east Texas highway to northeast Louisiana where our family lives.
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