Anyway. My friend, Amy (who I get tons of great ideas from), sent me a link to a website describing a way to use carving a pumpkin to present the gospel to children. It looks like a great idea.
So I have purchased 3 small pumpkins (they are currently decorating the top of my piano to keep little hands off of them) with the idea of using this activity with my children. William is very excited to have Thanksgiving decorations. He can't wait to carve into his pumpkin. But nothing scary though. He says he doesn't want anything scary!
We probably won't carve our pumpkins until the first part of November but I thought you might like the link now. Just in case you are planning to celebrate Halloween and will be carving a Jack-o-lantern soon. I know many of you have young children as I do and are looking for great ideas. I'm happy to oblige when I find one.
*** By the way, I am still on my "Hospital Vacation" following the c-section delivery of my fourth child, Samuel. This post was written ahead of time and scheduled to appear today.
Hi Stephanie...there's a great book called the Pumpkin Patch Parable that's along the lines of the website Amy referred you to. In fact, you reminded me that I need to dig that out!
thank you! i knew this was out there somewhere and i was going to google for it, but now i don't have to!
Hey Stephanie,
I was saved in a church that didn't do halloween as well, boy were they adamantly against it(as well as any Bible other than the 1611 Authorized KJV, most any pop culture and drums). I'm curious, if you'd be willing to share, why do y'all take that stance? And if not, that is perfectly fine as well. I hope and pray the family is doing well!
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