Monday, January 26, 2009

First Ever Stephanie's Mommy Brain Giveaway!

Welcome to the first ever Stephanie's Mommy Brain Giveaway!

If you are new here, thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to subscribe to my RSS feed so you can find Stephanie's Mommy Brain again!

If you are a regular visitor to Stephanie's Mommy Brain, thanks for being a loyal reader! Have you considered subscribing to my RSS feed? You will receive my new posts much quicker that way!

For first time visitors, let me tell you a little about Stephanie of Stephanie's Mommy Brain.

As you can guess, I am a mom. I am also the home school Kindergarten teacher for my oldest son (I have 3 boys! and a girl). Much of my day is spent instructing refereeing my children (5, 4, 2.5 years) or nursing my youngest (3 months).

When I'm not tending to my kids I try to manage my household. Right now that means menu planning, cleaning our home, organizing all our stuff, and tracking our finances.

In my spare time (bwhahahahahaha!), I read grown-up books and blog about - home management and family life.

As I considered my prize for this giveaway two things were important to me. 1. I don't want to have to go to the post office! As you can imagine, it's quite the ordeal. 2. I want to give people something they will really like and use.

So, I offer to you ... A $25 Amazon Gift Card (electronic version!).

Because it is electronic (meaning no shipping), this giveaway is open to anyone. Just leave a comment telling me if you are a first time visitor, an occasional visitor or a regular visitor to Stephanie's Mommy Brain. If you only write "pick me" or something similar you will be disqualified from the giveaway. I'd hate for that to happen!!

Thanks for stopping by Stephanie's Mommy Brain! Come again real soon!!

*** Edited to add: Comments will close Jan. 30 (Friday) at 7:00 PM (Eastern) with the drawing via shortly after that. Please remember I can't contact you if I don't have your email address or blog name!

*** Edited to add: Thanks for all the compliments on the Cheerios layout. I have a confession. All I did was type my name and tag line into the header. If you like this layout go visit Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates. She has some great layouts and easy to follow tutorials!

*** For more giveaways visit Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival.


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The Hibbard Family said...

Okay, I'm very intrigued! I'm going to have to look into this! I'm really enjoying your blog because you have such neat ideas, links, and information. I never dreamed the blog world could be so much fun! I'm learning more on your blog than any other blog I subscribe to. Thanks for taking the time to maintain it!

Oh, and by the way, I'm definitely a regular reader. Don't want to miss anything! :-)

Deanna said...

I'm a first time visitor! And thanks for the great giveaway, I love Amazon! :)

J.Lynne said...

I believe your blog is growing up! Soon it will have a life of its own.

J.Lynne said...

I wanted to also tell you how professional your picture looks, too.

Carrie said...

(I laughed at your "free time" remark.) =D What a fantastic giveaway. =) And I AM subscribed to your feed!

Anonymous said...

I am subscribed to your feed and have been reading your blog for a few weeks now so I am a regular visitor. I was thrilled when you mentioned my blog recently! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog through! I love reading other about other moms' experiences. I also noticed that you are from down south and have relocated northward. (So have I!) I have a 3 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. I have been blogging for a year, but do so just to keep in touch with family and friends from afar. Please visit my blog:

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

I'm a regular, Stephanie! (But you already knew that!)

I'm so glad you alerted me to this carnival...I had forgotten about it. You're offering a GREAT prize...very generous of you.

Alicia said...

Pick me!!! Pick me! Just joking!!!

I'm a regular visitor, and my order is a $25 gift card!!! Great giveaway.

I actually feel a little guilty, like I should fall under that "employees can't participate" rule!

Westafricanrains said...

Ditto to Alicia's comment, but hey, I love Amazon and I thoroughly enjoy your blog even though I don't have a family. I am always in need of organizing tips and if I ever do decide to cook, I know where to turn.

Yes, I am a regular reader.

Stephanie @ My Answered Prayer said...

Well I think that you know I'm a regular around here. Hope you are able to get a lot of readers through this. By the way it's COLD down here!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I am a regular reader and also feel like somehow I shouldn't even enter to win. But, you know me! It it's free and I can use it (and I CAN use it!!!) then I have to take my chance!

I enjoy reading--you do a great job! And I laughed when I read about free time...what a joke! :)

MommaKristi said...

I think I found you through Works for me Wednesday!! I have you on my google reader so I get your updates often and find you as a great reference!!!


Cari said...

I'm a first time visiter... but I'll be back:)

Amanda A. said...

I am a first time visitor, but I see a lot I could learn over here. "How to Declutter a Kitchen" Now I need a How to Declutter everything else!

Chanda said...

Hello, I am a first time visitor to your site. I would love to win the card from Amazon. I have an account there and would love to win. I need new books to help with this long winter.

Anonymous said...

i am first time visitor. what a great way to start with the giveaways!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor as well. I looked around your site, I will be subscribing to your feeds. I love some of your articles. This old dog can certainly find some new tricks here. I love the declutter article.

Maria Mundy said...

I'm defiantly a loyal reader.. or should I say student? You're like my personal advice columnist, haha..

..oh and I miss you Stephanie. I need to post some blogs I started while I was away, I just got back to Ohio this past week! I'm so behind!!

AmandaK said...

I am a first time reader, however, I will be coming back regularly because your blog has peaked my attention!


Christy said...

i'm a first time visitor, but I'm going to subscribe!! thanks for the giveaway!

free indeed said...

I'm a first time visitor, but an avid blog reader. I'm off to see what else you blog about...see if there is any eye candy on here....THanks

plhill2000 said...

I'm a first time visitor, but I will be back. And, I love Amazon for books.

Mrs. Sprinkles said...

I am a first time visitor--thanks for hosting this.

Come enter my Target GC giveaway!

Anna said...

I'm a first time visitor, but I love reading blogs. I am looking forward to poking around to see what I can find out from you. Thanks for the giveaway!

Craft Tea Lady said...

This is the first time I have been here... but I am glad you posted for the blog give away, so I learned you were out here in cyber space. :)

Thanks for the chance.

crafttealady AT yahoo DOT com

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Hi! I think this is the first time I've been to your blog. I love the Cheerios in the sidebars. What a fun design! And thanks for the great givewaway. :-)

Alitheia said...

First timer. Bloggy Giveaway introduces me to tons of great products and blogs, but is kinda soul sucking... oh well, lol

Annie Lee said...

Hi! I am a first time visitor, and must say I love all your tips and ideas! I am always looking for new ones, so thank you for sharing, And for the chance to win a great giveaway!

Barb J. said...

I am a first time visitor!

one frugal lady said...

Hey, I'm a first time visitor, but I'm sure it's not my last time! I am glad I found your blog!

Anonymous said...

I am a first time visitor. Your website looks fun!

julielaura (at) hotmail (dot) com

dctm said...

I am a first time visitor - saw your post on the bloggy carnival...

dctm at bellsouth dot net

Anonymous said...

First timer! I'll absolutely love your photos at the top!

Thank you for this giveaway!

Nise' said...

I am a first time visitor, thank you for the warm welcome. I just got I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings from the library and hope to finish it before Feb. 3!

Kristi said...

I'm a first timer, but I will definitely be back. That's one of the best thing about the carnival is finding new favorite blog sites.

Kim said...

I'm a first time visitor too. Great giveaway and great site!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a first time visitor. I know what you mean about not having free time. My three kids are in the same age range as yours - with my youngest being an October '08 baby as well!

Sage said...

I'm a first time visitor - but I'm sure I'll be back!

donnas said...

I am a first time visitor but based on what I have read so far I will be back.

Lexie said...

I'm a first time visitor :) Also your background makes me hungry...mmm cheerios...

Unknown said...

I'm a first time visitor, but I'll be back

fancyfeet48 said...

I love the declutter article

Lisa said...

This is my first visit. I like the cereal background! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I am a first time reader. good luck with your family, I rasied 6 of my own, hard work but worth it.

Anonymous said...

I am a newbie! Gonna add you to my Google Reader.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Sorry you don't have free time, but I can imagine you're quite busy!!

As for me, I'm a newbie to the blog. Thanks for the giveaway! Amazon is good.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

kal said...

I am a first time visitor. I enjoyed looking at your meal planning posts/instructions.

Kristen said...

I'm a first time visitor! It's nice to meet you.

RockCity said...

This is my first time here, I love the header on your blog. Thanks for the giveaway

Wherever HE Leads We'll Go said...

Wow a giveaway brings people from all around! I have never seen so many comments on one of your posts - not that they aren't good - most of us just like to lurk instead of commenting.

I feel like I should fit into the "not qualified to enter" category too, but here I am anyway. Who can resist a free gift card? Do I really need to tell you I am a regular reader?

And that free time - does that come between 1 and 2 am?

Lisa said...

I am a first time visitor, You are a busy lady

calabaza said...

I am also a first time visitor but like getting more advice as a new mom!

Anonymous said...

First time visitor. Thanks for the terrific giveaway!

Sherri James said...

I'm a first timer your blog and will visit again soon. Blessings, Sherri

sherjames87 at hotmail dot com

Amy T said...

I'm a first-timer. Thank you for doing this giveaway!

tatertot374 said...

I am a first timer here. Thank you for the great giveaway. THank you

Kara said...

I am a first time visitor. Your blog looks like and interesting one to read and follow.
Thanks for the giveaway.
millkara [at]

Carrie said...

I'm a first time visitor- nice to meet you!

adorablyconfused at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit. I love your background... makes me want to read more. utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com

Deborah said...

please enter me! this is my first time visiting, i love the cheerios background!

The Frugal Muse said...

I'm a first time visitor to your blog, and I'm so glad you are hosting this giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win!

Emily Kate said...

This is my first time, but hopefully not my last time, visiting your lovely blog!

Katie said...

This is my first time here. I love your Cheerios design! (Or are those of the all-natural variety?)
katiekarr at gmail dot com

Toni-Lynn said...

Hi! I am a first time visitor but from looking around a bit, It won't be my last! What a cute blog!

Thank you for the giveaway!

Gina said...

I'm a first time visitor! Great blog!

ecky said...

i am a new visitor!

elkesten at yahoo dot com

Flamingo said...

where did all of these people come from? not like they shouldn't be here, but how exciting. you know i'm a veteran can I say pick me?

Bunny B said...

It's my first time here! Will drop by soon :)
bunnybx at gmail . com

Courtney said...

Have a few books I'd like to read. This would be great. Thanks.


Carrie said...

I'm a first time visitor.

carrie_dodd at

Jennifer said...

I am a first time visitor, but I will be back!

Penny said...

Thank you for this awesome giveaway - I'm a first time visiter who has been a single mom for the past 20 years... and just now starting to get into menu planning, finances (beyond just keeping the checkbook balanced), etc.

Aisha said...

I'm a first timer to your site. It's very informative especially about family life. Would love to check your blog more.

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor and I am amazed that I am! What such great organization tips and tricks!


scottsgal said...

I'm a first time visitor - you have great tips. Thanks for the giveaway

Tori C. said...

Your blog's background is making me hungry - I heart Cheerio's! First time visitor but I'll be back. Stop by my blog and enter my 2 giveaways!

Michele said...

I'm a first time visitor to your blog...I cannot wait to read some of your tips. I've also added you to my google reader!


FatalisFortuna said...

I'm a first-timer. I love seeing new blogs during the carnival!

Angel said...

I'm a first time visitor, but also a homeschooler and nurser LOL

Stacy said...

I"m a first time visitor. I don't have kids (yet, I hope), but I read homeschooling and mommy blogs as a way of living vicariously.

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor, and I'll give myself a little tour. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I amm a first time vistor but I will be back!

techyone said...

I'm a first time vistor but love your blog. I'll bookmark ya so I can come back.

ANovelMenagerie said...

I love giving away this type of GC too! Please enter me.

goodbye said...

I am a first time visitor and a first timer to the bloggy carnival! I am loving this! "Meeting" all kinds of new people, this is great!


Anonymous said...

This is also my first visit. Glad I found you!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor here! Thanks for the great giveaway.
tweenmommy at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor and you have great blog here. Thanks for the giveaway. :D
net2girl at gmail dot com

Andrea said...

I'm a first time visitor. I arrived here by way of bloggy carnival :)

apeak AT hotmail . com

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I'm a first time visitor, but you've got some great stuff so I'm coming back. I want to look closer at the weekly chore schedule & weekly/monthly menu. Thanks for the great giveaway.

arielle said...

I'm a first time visitor!!

Robin said...

First time visitor here - I like your blog header.

Anonymous said...

First time visitor!! Love the cheerios!!
Heather at

Mindy said...

I'm a first-time visitor. Thanks!


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I'm a first time visitor. Love your blog design. Please enter me-thanks for doing this!


Anonymous said...

Oh my...I am a first time visitor to your blog, but it sure looks interesting. You definately have your hands full--wonderfully full!
leekat6 AT verizon DOT net

Cheryl888 said...

This is my first time here (courtesy of the Bloggy Carnival!). I'm going to sub though, so I will be back. :)

Shelley Johnson said...

I'm a first timer! I love the Bloggy Carnival and have participated in the last two as well. I love finding all these new blogs to read.

Bloggytime20 (a) yahoo dot com

N said...

I'm a first time visitor!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a first-time visitor, thanks for the giveaway!

Lisa in Jax said...

I'm a first time visitor.

Katie said...

I know I've been here at least once before - not sure how I got here that time, though! Now I'm off to read about your organizing! :)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
katiellloyd at yahoo dot com

Megan said...

I'm a first time visitor, but I'll be back. Love the blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor. You should get Cheerios to sponsor you. ;-)

Anonymous said...

First time visitor. Thanks for the great giveaway

vwestermeyer said...

I'm a first time visitor here but will be back again!!

Tara said...

This is definitely my first time to come across your blog!! I love the Cherrio layout.. looks my floor half the time lol

cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Literary Winner said...

I am a first time visitor and in awe of how you manage to even look at a computer, much less blog!
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com

Anissa said...

I'm a first time visitor, but intrigued ;)

bauer zoo said...

i'm a first time visitor, but will be back!

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

First time here...I'll be cruising around for a bit.
give_me_a_latte at yahoo

superfizz said...

I'm a first time visitor. I like your banner with the cereal. Very cute.

PunkyMunky said...

Im a first time visitor, love the cheerios- cheerios make me think of momminess.

Unknown said...

Hi. I'm a first time visitor and look forward to reading more of your blog. I'm particularly interested in reading your post about making a financial binder. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

CrystalGB said...

I am a first time visitor. You have a nice blog. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Hi!! I am a firt time visitor and have enjoyed looking around your blog. Thanks for the chance to win!!


Amber said...

I'm a first time visitor courtesy of the Bloggy Carnival. I'm sure I will be back though!

Becky said...

I am a first time visitor but I plan on subscribing to your site! Thanks for the giveaway!
becky at harts dot name

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

First time visitor, but I know I'll be back. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Alexia said...

This is my first time to your blog!

Rachel said...

First time visitor but I will be back, love the Cherrios all over the blog! Nothing screams kids like spilled Cherrios!!!!!

I linked your blog to mine....

Diane said...

I am a first time visitor, but I have nowadded you to my favorites! Thanks for the awesome giveaway and the chance to win! Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor and a homeschool mom also! This is an awesome giveaway.

Marin said...

Hi, I'm a first time visitor from the Blog Carnival. I like your Cheerios!

CG said...

I am a first timer to your blog but I will be back. Looks like you have alot of neat posts that I'd be interested in.

Heather said...

I am a first time visitor. I am also a homeschool mom!

grace said...

I am a first time visitor, and the Cheerios are cracking me up!

eclairre said...

I'm a first timer to your blog but I like very much the cheerios background.. Hehe

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I've seen your blog - nice job! Thank you for the giveaway, too. guill888 at yahoo dot com

Rose said...

I'm a first time visitor. Thanks for the nice giveaway!

Julie Donahue said...

I'm a first time visitor! ;)

Aubrey said...

This is my first visit! I also love to read!

Jeanette H. said...

This is my first visit and I found you through the bloggy carnival. That is one great idea! How else can you find so many awesome blog sites in one place?

Thanks for the great giveaway!!


suzie said...

I'm a first time visitor.
Thanks so much for the contest.
susan dot lockhart at gmail dot com

okaat said...

I am first time visitor, via the blog carnival. Thanks for introducing yourself in this contest. Looks like a nice site.

Elizabeth said...

I am a first time visitor, but I will be sure to come back! Very cute blog. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first timer, thanks for the giveaway!

Annette said...

This is my first time visiting. I subscribed (RSS). Very fun blog! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor, I found you from the Bloggy Carnival. Love your site! I subscribed to your RSS feed via Yahoo reader, so I can come back! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. I'd love to win, I adore

Thank you!!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

simply_unique said...

first time visitor like many found you through bloggy carnival, but I will be back I love your blog and thanks for the giveaway!

Stacy said...

I am a first time visitor, but I too have momy brain so maybe I will stick around.

Thanks for the giveaway!


valeria said...

I am a first time visitor but will visit again for sure.

Anonymous said...

I am a first time visitor. Nice giveaway!
pkildow at gmail dot com

Cybrlee said...

First time visitor, but I LOVE your blog!

Thanks for an awesome opportunity

cybrlee at aol dot com

Merry said...

I am a first time visitor and I love your cheerful layout. Moms and Cherrios go together!

Re said...

this is my first time, but I love what i'm seeing! I plan on returning.

Leslie said...

I am a first time visitor but your blog seems like something I would enjoy reading. I'll be back ;)
leslierose at gmail dot com

Steph said...

I'm a first time visitor. Thanks for the chance to win!

Lydia said...

Thanks for sharing where you found your blog template--it's so cute! This is my first time visiting the blog.


GoneGirl said...

I'm a first time visitor via the bloggy giveaways! Love the comment about what you do in your "free time" I hear ya! Thanks!

Natalie said...

I'm actually a first time visitor. :)

scblog at hotmail dot com

nicole said...

I am a first-time visitor. Thanks for the generous giveaway and I can totally appreciate your reluctance to go to the post office. I dread going there, with or without kids in tow.

pamelarm said...

Thanks so much for the chance, I'm a first time visitor! Love the cheerios!

Anonymous said...

This is my first time here but it won't be my last!

thanks for the chance!

karissag at

Vi (pronounced Vy) said...

i am a 1st time viewer. i don't have any kids, but i still seem to have a mommy brain! haha

pookielocks [at] ymail [dot] com

Leanne said...

I'm a first time visitor! I've looked around a little before posting this, but I'm going to go read some more right now! I need some serious menu planning and organization motivation :) Thanks!

Beth said...

I'm a first time visitor and I'm glad you're participating in the giveaway.

JRG said...

First time visitor.

Unknown said...

This is my first visit to your blog. Thank you for the giveaway!

kport207 at gmail dot com

janetfaye said...

I am an occasional visitor.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

This is my first visit, but I am very impressed and it probably won't be my last time visiting!

Jane O' said...

I'm a first timer but I'll be back! Thanks for the chance to win.

Jennifer said...

I am a first time visitor to your blog, but I will be coming back! Thanks so much for the giveaway!


Jane Anne said...

I am a first time visitor to your blog. I love the electronic GC idea - you are so smart! I am a mom of 4, also (3 boys and a girl - but my girl is my youngest). AND, I am hosting my 1st giveaway during the carnival, too.
Thanks for the chance to win!

malleycc said...

First timer here. Your blog looks very nice.

Patricia C said...

This is my first time here. I am just getting into blogs and hope to have my own in a few weeks.

lsfish said...

First time visitor here

Stacy said...

I'm a first time visitor. I also have 4 kids, 3 girls and one boy. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Leona P said...

I am a first time visitor

mindy said...

an occasional visitor thanks for the giveaway

Susanne said...

I'm a first time visitor. But I've gone back and read some of your older posts. I just might need to subscribe. :-)

Unknown said...

first time visitor
hannahgdevries (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor, but I'll be back....I love your sense of humor! Thanks for the great giveaway....Amazon is great.

Unknown said...

I'm an occasional visitor but I'll try to stop by more.

Gina said...

I'm a first time visitor, but i'm subscribing cause I want to come back...

Karin said...

I am a first time visitor, but I have to agree with everyone about the Cheerios layout. It's really cute.


Qtpies7 said...

I'm a first time visitor.
My baby's name is SAm, too! But mine is 2years old.

LaVonne said...

i am a first time visitor. I love the cheerios blog layout!

Anonymous said...

First time visitor. Thanks for the giveaway. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com

Carolyn G said...

I am a first timer. But I will be back.

Charlotte said...

first time visitor...but can't wait to check you out more!

Mer said...

First timer! I love discovering new blogs and new products through bloggy giveaway!

Amber Tezel said...

First time visitor here, but love finding new blogs!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

First time visitor. First time I have ever seen this bloggy giveaway thingy and so happy that someone remembers us international bloggers!

You rock!

Starla said...

This is my first time here! First time visitor. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

its.a.hit at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I am a first timer too! Amazon is great. I recently found out that you can buy food from them. Crazy eh?

Anonymous said...

First time visitor.
Melissa Waters

Laura said...

I'm a first timer! Thanks for the giveaway.

Heather said...

My first time here! I am also a busy mom, but I only have 3 kids. My youngest just turned 8 months. I figure I'll get to start reading again in another 4 or 5 months!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor and I totally agree about the post office. I have two kids under three and I have to go to the post office tomorrow! Yikes. It's a trip.

Nadi said...

First time visitor here! =)
thanks for the giveaway!

treflea4 at gmail dot com

One Cryptic Mama said...

first time visitor. love the cheerios!

Misty said...

I'm a first time visitor... Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

Elisa Morrison said...

I'm a first time visitor (From the Bloggy Giveaways site)... congrats on your first giveaway! :)

Annie1 said...

I am a first time visitor to your blog but I have signed up to receive updates from you!

Thanks said...

I'm a first time visitor. Nice blog! Have fun with all you sweet little children! I have 6 girls, 2 boys (never had all those little guys close in age, only girls close). Thanks!

Aimee Fontenot said...

I am a first time visitor. Thanks so much for the chance to win! Amazon is my favorite place to shop!

Graceful Mom said...

First time visitor and will be back to read more!

sandierpastures at gmail dot com

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Graceful Mom said...


sandierpastures at gmail dot com

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