Monday, January 26, 2009

First Ever Stephanie's Mommy Brain Giveaway!

Welcome to the first ever Stephanie's Mommy Brain Giveaway!

If you are new here, thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to subscribe to my RSS feed so you can find Stephanie's Mommy Brain again!

If you are a regular visitor to Stephanie's Mommy Brain, thanks for being a loyal reader! Have you considered subscribing to my RSS feed? You will receive my new posts much quicker that way!

For first time visitors, let me tell you a little about Stephanie of Stephanie's Mommy Brain.

As you can guess, I am a mom. I am also the home school Kindergarten teacher for my oldest son (I have 3 boys! and a girl). Much of my day is spent instructing refereeing my children (5, 4, 2.5 years) or nursing my youngest (3 months).

When I'm not tending to my kids I try to manage my household. Right now that means menu planning, cleaning our home, organizing all our stuff, and tracking our finances.

In my spare time (bwhahahahahaha!), I read grown-up books and blog about - home management and family life.

As I considered my prize for this giveaway two things were important to me. 1. I don't want to have to go to the post office! As you can imagine, it's quite the ordeal. 2. I want to give people something they will really like and use.

So, I offer to you ... A $25 Amazon Gift Card (electronic version!).

Because it is electronic (meaning no shipping), this giveaway is open to anyone. Just leave a comment telling me if you are a first time visitor, an occasional visitor or a regular visitor to Stephanie's Mommy Brain. If you only write "pick me" or something similar you will be disqualified from the giveaway. I'd hate for that to happen!!

Thanks for stopping by Stephanie's Mommy Brain! Come again real soon!!

*** Edited to add: Comments will close Jan. 30 (Friday) at 7:00 PM (Eastern) with the drawing via shortly after that. Please remember I can't contact you if I don't have your email address or blog name!

*** Edited to add: Thanks for all the compliments on the Cheerios layout. I have a confession. All I did was type my name and tag line into the header. If you like this layout go visit Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates. She has some great layouts and easy to follow tutorials!

*** For more giveaways visit Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival.


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Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

I'm a first time visitor, and I love your cheerios layout too. Thanks for letting us know where you got it!

guettel78 said...

I'm a first-time visitor as well and am interested in reading more about your experiences as a homeschooler (as well as the ways you juggle so many responsibilities -- it's like you hold at least a half dozen full-time jobs simultaneously!). Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Jodi said...

I'm a first time visitor stopping by via the Bloggy Carnival. I do really like the setup of your blog, and agree that I also love the Cheerios header! I'll have to go check out that template site. Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

~Sandy~ said...

I am a first time visitor.....but will be checking back. i am curious to hear about your homeschooling adventures while still breast feeding. kudos!!! thanks so much for the giveaway

Emma said...

This is the first time I have been to your page! I loved it

Sue A. said...

My first time here! I’m glad I found you. And thanks for the giveaway!

buzzd said...

I am a first time visitor. Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Bebemiqui said...

I'm a first timer!
Great giveaway! Count me in.

Unknown said...

I'm a first time visitor, but I'm bookmarking ya, so I can come back and visit. :)
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net

Tamara B. said...

First time visitor and what a great site. I subscribed through google reader.

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor, and new to blogs. They are the wave of the future!

Sonya said...

I'm an occasional visitor and love your blog!

ljsfunone said...

I am a first time visitor -- but plan to be back to visit again.

Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor. Thanks for the giveaway.
-Terra H.

Erin @ CanadianGiveaways said...

i'm a first time visitor who is just discovering the world of blogging.

Lindsay said...

First time for me... but I think I'll be back! Thanks. :)

Maggie Smith said...

This is my first time! Thanks
newmomyin08 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Earthtokarmen said...

I'm a first time visitor! What a generous giveaway!


Amy said...

I am a first-time visitor. You've got a great blog - lots of awesome links! Makes me movtivated to get back to work on my own blog!

Thanks for a great giveaway!

kmg365 said...

First time visitor here. Nothing like Bloggy Carnival to encourage snooping around into all sorts of interesting blogs!

carlton170 said...

I loved your post "How to declutter a Kitchen" - you've inspired me to have a clear out too!

I'm a first time visitor by the way.

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time visitor and also a homeschooling mom being taught by my kids. hehehehe

Thanks for the chance to win! :)


Colored With Memories said...

i am a first time visitor...but interested in home schooling, so i am bookmarking your blog.

i like your header too...

totally understand about not wanting to have to go to the post office...our town recently got a little drive thru one at a cleaners...a full service drive thru post office...such a life saver.

anyway, thanks for the chance to win...i'd love for you to visit my page!

Michelle said...

first time visitor and I love the title of your blog!

37 Questions said...

I am a first time reader. Thanks for a super giveaway!
jjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com

engelsigh said...

I am a first time visitor but I will be back!

Charlotte said...

it's my first time here and it'd be nice to win!

i did noticed the cherios, what's with the cherios anyway?

my email add (remove spaces):
c h a r m 3 2 @ y m a i l . c o m

Staci A said...

This is my first time here, but you have such a great blog. I can totally relate to your latest post. There must be something with boys and boogers!

Thanks for the chance to enter!

Jessica said...

first timer, but i bookmarked you so i can come back another day.

Anonymous said...

First time visitor here! I have to agree, the Cheerios layout is super cute!

Chief Family Officer said...

I am a first time visitor, and I appreciate the link to the blog templates since I've been thinking about a new layout!

Thank you for the giveaway -
cfoblog [at] gmail [dot] com

noreen said...

I am a first time visitor, I have two girls 5 and 3

Crickettsmom said...

I'm a first time visitor but love your blog! I'll be back.

Anonymous said...

This is my first time here, Cute layout!! I am so thankful someone invented Cheerios!

Love Amazon -- I have a lengthy wishlist there.


barbarah06 (at) gmail (dot) com

The Need 2 Read said...

First time visitor - you have a GREAT blog!! This would be a great win for us - I'm always sending my husband (military) books via Amazon...thanks for the fun!

cdmtx said...

First time visitor .... your site looks great , like your Ideas and great links!!


Bcteagirl said...

First time visitor, but I will remember the cheerios theme! :P

Colengal said...

First time visitor, long time cherrio lover.

Miranda Ward said...

im a first time visitor and I will be back thanks for the contest

Lisa said...

I'm a first time visitor and have found so many delightful blogs through the Bloggy Giveaway Carnival. I wish I could stay awake 24/7 and read, read, read! I'm a mom of six, have homeschooled since 1989 and have several years to go since my youngest is nine.

Anonymous said...

1st visitor but I bookmarked you to look up later b/c I am so impressed that you homeschool and have little ones too! It is something we have considered for next year but also are in a similar situation! Thanks for your witness!

Joyful Noise said...

I am a first-time visitor but will stop back when this mass-chaos week ends because would like to hear more on how homeschooling is going for you...debating whether or not to hs my oldest this fall. Thanks for the chance to win...stop by my blog and enter my giveaways!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I don't think I've ever been here before, but I, too, ADORE the cheerios template.

msrodeobrat said...

this is my first visit, and i will be back

ailad said...

I'm a first time visitor, but I'll be back. I really enjoyed your writing style! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Crystal said...

First timer here thanks for the giveaway! :-)

Katrina said...

I'm a first timer! I would love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

This is my first time visiting.

SHartl said...

I am a new reader and now I'm going to be checking it all out! Love the name of your intriguing!

M said...

First time visitor! Great blog and great giveaway!

Melanie Sheridan said...

First time here. Thanks for the offer, I need to get a tripod for my Flip camera.

L. K. said...

I'm a first time visitor here from the Bloggy Carnival. A big bonus of going throught the huge list of contests is finding new blogs I'd enjoy, like yours. Thanks for the giveaway!

lmillitch (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

First time visitor. I never knew there were so many blogs out there..Guess I am kind of limited where I go online, just to my
regular places.
It is nice to explore the blogs and see what ya'll talk about.

Anonymous said...

first time visitor.
love the cheerios in the background, cleaver
ashlomb at yahoo dot com

Nelsby said...

This is my first time visiting your blog...but I do plan on returning. That's a really nice thing about this Bloggy Giveaways Carnival -- discovering great new blogs!
awaerhouse at gmail dot com

Fae said...

this was a nice first time visit for me and i definitely will come back to visit again! :)

nicolehrb said...

I am a first time visitor, but I will definately be back

The Savvy Mama said...

I'm a first-time visitor! Thank you! :)

Lindsey said...

I am a first time visitor. I appreciate that you maintain your blog and will be back for more!

Anonymous said...

First time visitor. Thanks for your giveaway! You're blog is cute!

punkinmama said...

This is my first time here. Your blog looks like a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. My first time to your blog and it looks really nice!



tlcfromtn said...

First time visitor. Thanks for the giveaway!

braaisjo at gmail dot com

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

First time visitor!

Thank you for joining the giveaways... I too love the cherrios header.. I might have to check out that site!


Jessica said...

Fun! Please enter me :) This is my first time looking at your blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm a first-time visitor. :)

Unknown said...

First time visitor thanks so much for a wonderful giveaway

pattycake said...

this my first visit here

Jessie said...

first time visitor! Thank you for this giveaway, there is so much at Amazon that I could think of to spend this on - take care!

carolpie said...

I am a first time visitor and you have a lot in interesting and helpful information. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I am a first time visitor but this won't be my last.

Dumaurier said...

I'm not really new here but I do love your blog

Ellen said...

First time visitor and found you via the Bloggies Giveaway.

ladydi115 said...

this is my first visit and I like your weekly menus and book reviews. thanks!

StuffSmart said...

I'm a first time visitor.

Jessi @ Jabbering Jessi said...

i am a first time visitor but def not my last time.

Courtenay said...

Hi! I am a first time visitor and I found your blog through the Bloggy Giveaway Carnival! Thanks!


First time visitor,Thanks for the giveaway!!


mrstolli said...

I'm a first time visitor. Thanks for the chance to win!

Early BIrd said...

I am a first time reader, but I just love your blog! Will be subscribing. Thank you for the great giveaway!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

First time visitor! Great giveaway!

SM said...

First time visitor. I love discovering new blogs.

A family of boys said...

Your blog is just too cute! Thanks for the chance to win. I'm looking forward to reading more about you and your homeschooling journey. I'm homeschooling my 3 right now.

Anonymous said...

This is my first time here :) Thanks for the great giveaway!


Amy L said...

I'm a first time visitor. I like your Cheerios background! My kids are all grown, but I well remember those Cheerios years...they were always in the carseat, under the couch, in their hair...

Crystal F said...

I'm a first time visitor but will be back. Thank you!

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm a first time visitor. Thanks for the link to the blogger templates - I'm going to check them out!

Anonymous said...

This is my first time visiting with you. It seems I always learn something new with the different blogs I have stumbled across. Thanks for the giveaway!

HeidiMonkey said...

I sure hope I win! I'm a first time visitor and I love your blog layout and content!

c allen said...

i am a first time visitor to your blog. thank you for the giveaway!

Betty C said...

I just stumbled across your site because of the bloggy carnival. I will be back because it looks quite interesting.

jennifer57 said...

first time visitor :)

Anonymous said...

First time. Nice site!!! I will be back!

Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

herblady said...

Hi! I'm a first-time visitor. Thank you for the chance to win!

hrbeck_98 (at) yahoo (dot) com

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