Monday, November 21, 2011

5 Kernels of Corn Thanksgiving Tradition

I'm considering adding the tradition of five kernels of corn to our Thanksgiving dinner this year. Have you heard of the tradition?

It's mentioned in Mary's First Thanksgiving and goes like this:

"It is said that years after [the first Thanksgiving] celebration the colonists placed five kernels of corn on their plates to remind them of the hardships they endured. They gave thanks for the blessings each kernel represented... the beauty and bounty of autumn... their love for one another... love for their families... friendship with the Native Americans... their freedom to worship God without fear."

I'd like to modernize the tradition a little and have the kernels represent:

  • the necessities and luxuries provided through my husband's job;
  • love for our church, friends and community;
  • love for our immediate and extended family;
  • friendship with people from around the world;
  • freedom to worship God without fear.

Have you used the 5 corn kernels tradition?

Be sure to like Stephanie's Mommy Brain on Facebook where I'm sharing more Thanksgiving tips and links throughout November.

More Thanksgiving Kids Activities and Books Posts


  1. We haven't - and the wee one's too young to understand - but we've been thinking a lot about the traditions we'll create! Bookmarking this for future years!

    P.S. - Thanks for stopping by on my SITS Day! I'm your newest follower :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by Christa! It's never too early or too late to start a new tradition. :)

  3. Huh! Now THAT is a cool idea! I'll have to remember this for next year!


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