Monday, March 23, 2009

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Welcome to Stephanie's Mommy Brain!

Come on it and have a cup of tea with me! Please excuse the legos on the floor, burp cloths on the chair and the dirty dishes in the sink. Some days we get everything cleaned up around here and some days we don't. It's the reality of life with four children under the age of 6!

I could go on forever about my kids and home management but I'll restrain myself and just let you read the archives.

Instead, I want to tell you about all the exciting opportunities I've had this year! I am having so much fun and it's only March!

In January, I was honored to have OrgJunkie mention my financial binder tutorial in one of her Link~Tastic posts. I am still over the moon! If you aren't familiar with OrgJunkie, she has incredible ideas and tips for getting your house in order. Visit her after our chat. You won't be sorry.

Also in January, I took on the role of Giveaway/Contest Administrator for 5 Minutes for Mom/ 5 Minutes for Giveaways. That means if you leave a comment on one of their giveaways I'm the person who will pick you to win, notify you and send your shipping information to the sponsor. (Though I'm NOT the person picking winners for the UBP!) It's really a fun job getting to tell people they've won fabulous prizes! Way more fun than changing smelly diapers!

I've had several amazing opportunities this month. First, I had the privilege of working with BooMama and writing a post for Praise Baby (incredible children's music!!).

Then I began a blogging internship at Profitable Mommy Blogging. For 6 weeks I've been stretching myself as a blogger, learning a lot about writing and running a blog, and trying to soak up as much information as I can. It's been a challenge but one I'm growing from, which is a good thing.

I've also had the chance this month to participate in a Blog Tour with Jill Savage from Hearts at Home as she promotes her new book, Real Moms... Real Jesus: Meet the Friend Who Understands. That post won't be published until March 31 so be sure to come back and hear what Jill has to say.

Another post coming later this week is a giveaway! I'll be reviewing and giving away a copy of JumpStart Preschool Classic. Check back to see what I thought of this computer game for preschoolers.

Whew!! I'm getting tired just thinking about all I've been doing and I haven't even mentioned my Friday Book Club or Wednesday Guest posts on "Living as a Single Christian Woman!" I guess I'll have to leave them for another time.

Well, thanks for stopping by as you make the rounds for the Ultimate Blog Party 2009. If you'll excuse me I've got to feed a baby now but feel free to stick around and check out my archives, read my popular posts and leave a comment.


  1. Stopping by to say hello from the UBP!

  2. Hey there, I love the background of your blog! Just a'hoppin from the blog party! How are ya?

  3. hi!! it's so nice to meet you! wow you're a busy bee!!!

  4. Hi, just stopping by from the UBP to say hello! :)

  5. Hi! Here's my comment. You're amazing! :) Have a great day.

  6. Happy UBP! Just stopping by for the party and I wanted to say hi. great blog! Have fun partying. :)

  7. Sounds like we have lots in common! I'm a very busy mom, too, and I definitely have a "mommy brain"! :)

    Hope you'll drop by sometime: 5 Vinez Monkeys

  8. Hi! So very nice to meet you. Party hopping from UBP09 and participating too so stop in for a visit.

  9. Enjoying it all just haven't been posting alot of comments lately. Hope you are doing well!

  10. Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.

    I'm giving away Pink Champagne Shower Syrup from Jaqua Beauty...stop on over and enter! Ends April 8. Open to USA.


    I want to invite you to the Mommie Daze Virtual Baby Shower that I am hosting May 15 to June 8. This is an international even and there are prizes! Stop by my blog for all the details.


Thank you for commenting! I hope you will regularly join our conversation and community.