Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday, Ben!!

Happy birthday, Ben!!

Today you are 6 years old.  I can't believe you are getting so big!!

This year brought a lot of exciting things to your life:
  • you started kindergarten at home.  You have enjoyed studying birds, bats and insects in science.  Your love for animals continues to grow.
  • you learned to read!!  Reading still takes effort for you but it's getting easier as you practice each day.  You often go into the living room to work on phonics because you can't focus with Will talking in the kitchen.
  • you spend half of your classes at co-op with Will and the 6-9 year olds.  You usually like science, art, and p.e.  But drama and language arts/Bible are NEVER favorites.
  • you have become quite the class clown in our Flying Creatures science class.  I knew you would thrive in that class, which is why I volunteered to teach it.
  • you decided you don't care for peanut butter and honey sandwiches but peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are still favorites.
  • you have become more adventurous in eating.  Home made chicken noodle soup, meatloaf, chicken pot pie are recent meals you've eaten.  It helps to have dessert afterward as a bribe.
  • you are a fantastic big brother!!  You love to carry Sam around and wrestle with him, although he doesn't always appreciate the attention.  You usually help Sam climb inside the indoor playground at Burger King.
  • Legos are now your favorite toy.  You still play with Thomas the Tank Engine and Lincoln Logs but not nearly as much as Legos.
  • You met your cousins Joshua, Daniel and Susanna for the first time this year.  We rented a huge cabin in Tennessee together.  You four big boys slept in one bed together.
  • You visited Washington, DC for the first time.  The pigeons impressed you more than anything else.
  • You draw very well and your handwriting is impressive for kindergarten.
  • You still share a room with Will and most days get along.  One of these days you are going to realize you are stronger than he is.
  • you learned to wink and curl your tongue.
I love you and am SO glad God placed you in our family!!  You always make me smile.


You might enjoy:
Benjamin turns THREE?! How did that happen?! (2008)
Happy Birthday Ben! (2010)


  1. Happy Birthday, Ben! We are thinking about you and hope you have a very special day!

  2. Six? When did that happen? Happy Birthday to Ben! Hope you have a great day celebrating!

  3. Happy Birthday Ben! We can't believe you are 6! :-) Love ya lots!!! P.S. your present is in the mail


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