Monday, February 21, 2011

A Good Girls Style Guide by Shari Braendel

I am not a fashionista.  In fact, I'm rather fashion-challenged.  I always have been.  Way back in high school when the other girls in my class were teasing their bangs to stand 6 inches tall, my bangs barely lifted off my head.  (In retrospect that wasn't necessarily a bad thing!)

It wasn't that I didn't want to look fashionable; I just didn't know how.

After Makeover, January 2011
Occasionally, I would pick up a fashion magazine or watch What Not to Wear so I could learn a few tricks.  But it never worked.  Instead of educating me the magazines and television shows overwhelmed me.

So, as a 35 year old stay at home(schooling) mom of four, I decided I would never look stylish or put together.  I would try not to embarrass myself but comfortable, baggy clothes were my friends.

Then I lost 15 pounds last summer and had NO clothes that fit properly.  I wanted to go on a shopping spree and look amazing in all my new clothes.  So I purchased a copy of Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad:  a style guide for every woman by Shari Braendel (Zondervan, 2010) to help me with my shopping spree.

Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad taught me fashion basics; and that knowledge gave me confidence at the mall.

By reading "Good Girls" I learned:
  • my body type ("O"),
  • my color category (Warm),
  • my style personality (Classic Modern),
  • and so much more!!!
After Makeover, January 2011
I loved "The Book" so much I became a regular reader of Shari's blog!

Then when my mom visited in November I loaned her "The Book" to read while in Rhode Island (I refused to let her take it home to Arkansas!!).  My mom loved the book and we applied our new knowledge during a fun mother/daughter shopping trip. We've continued to encourage each other in the area of fashion and always refer to Good Girls as "The Book."

After all the fun we had with our makeovers, we volunteered to be featured on Shari's Monday Makeover.  We enjoyed answering her questions and hope that our stories encouraged other women to read Shari's book.

If you are a fashion newbie or just looking for help tweaking your look, I highly recommend Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad!!!

Do you feel confident with your style or do you get overwhelmed just thinking about shopping for clothes?

Disclaimer:  I received NOTHING for this review or for participating in Monday Makeover.  I believe the book is amazing and that everyone can benefit from reading it.


  1. Yeeeah...I'm pathetic in this department. But again, I read this and think to myself that I have a current excuse and don't need to think about this again until May or June (or July?) I DO need help and the post was beneficial. ;) So thanks!

  2. This book remains on my "want" list. One of these days...

    This post reminds me, maybe it'll be time for a spring/summer wardrobe shopping spree sometime in April? ! :)

  3. I don't need to tell you that I am challenged in this department. I feel like there is a gene for this and I didn't get it! haha Got the book - now I just have to read it!

  4. Dawn, I didn't get the fashion gene either! I hope you enjoy the book!! :)

  5. Carrie, one of the reasons I love being pregnant is it doesn't matter how I look. :) But I'm not pregnant now. And I don't want to look pregnant or like a frazzled home schooling soccer mom. :) Shari has tons of tips on her blog, in case you don't want to buy the book.

  6. Oh, I think I could definitely use this book!


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