Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Living with RA: The Difference Enbrel Makes for Me

*** This post is part of my Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis series.

Do you remember my "Can't Do" checklist?
  • Unscrew a grape juice bottle for the first time.
  • Unscrew a pickle jar lid that had previously been opened.
  • Peel a potato with a knife.
  • Quickly descend a flight of stairs.
  • Stay awake passed 8 PM.
  • Open my mouth wide enough to bite into a hamburger.
  • Get up off the floor by myself.
  • Squat down to talk to a child.
  • Kneel on the floor.
Enbrel helped change all of that.  Nine years after I formed that mental list I can now do everything on it, except peel a potato with a knife.  Unfortunately, Enbrel CAN'T reverse permanent damage that already exists.

In fact, my current rheumatologist and I have joked that I do so well on the medication that I should be a "poster child" for Enbrel.  And now I am!!  :)

So, what can I do now?
  • Sit on the floor and play games with my daughter.
  • Push my four year old son on the swing.
  • Zip up my 1 year old's pajamas.
  • Cut apples into quarters with a knife every day for lunch.
  • Brush my daughter's hair into ponytails.
  • Take hikes with my family into the New Hampshire mountains.
The list of "Can Do" is endless.  The main thing is that I can do all the normal ordinary "Mom Stuff" that most moms do without thinking.

Enbrel helps me be the Mom (and Wife) I want to be.

And that is priceless.

But it isn't without risks.  The pamphlet enclosed with each month's supply (see right) details the risks of this relatively new medication:
"serious infections including TB; nervous system problems, such as multiple sclerosis, seizures, or inflammation of the nerves of the eyes; rare reports of serious blood problems (some fatal); heart failure, including new heart failure or worsening of heart failure you already have; allergic reactions; immune reactions, including a lupus-like syndrome and lymphoma (a type of cancer)."
Never mind just having to give myself a shot once a week!!

For me this is a matter of what WILL happen versus what MIGHT happen.  I MIGHT have one of those terrible side effects.  But without Enbrel (or a similar medication) I WILL have deformed hands in a matter of a few years.  I WILL have no energy to play with my children.  I WILL be unable to kneel, or squat or sit on the floor.

And so I choose to take the risk.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor do I pretend to be one on TV. This post is intended to tell my experiences NOT to serve as medical advice. If your symptoms sound similar, please consult a physician.

Disclaimer: I have not been asked by a pharmaceutical company or any related organizations to write these posts. I have not been compensated for these posts in anyway (including money, medication, or medical treatments).

1 comment:

  1. Much of life is about weighing the risks vs. the benefits of something. We have to make our choices carefully. Seems to me that you have made a wise choice!

    I am so glad that you shared these stories. We knew each other at the beginning of this journey, but I don't think we knew each other well. So I am not sure I really knew or understood what was going on. It is nice to have a clear picture now of the road that you have traveled with RA. I think I have said this before, but I will say it again: I have no doubt that others will benefit from you sharing your experience.


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