Friday, October 17, 2008

Apple Picking: A Columbus Day Tradition

On Columbus Day we go apple picking with our church and close friends A2M2. The kids all know this will happen and ask about it when the weather starts turning cooler. It's a really fun tradition for all of us. (Go here to read about last year's Orchard fun and see how much the kids have grown in a year!)

This year we picked apples at Jaswell's Farm. If you live in the area I highly recommend this Orchard. A friendly staff, several apple varieties to choose from, and fairly easy walking made this Farm a lot of fun to visit with our young family.

First stop - the Pumpkin Patch.
"I'm the cute princess posing in the wagon."
I have no idea how many she ate. She picked NONE.
They were all brought to her in the wagon.
Even Andy's Dad got into the apple picking!
Low hanging trees are great for short arms to reach apples.
Some of us just go to eat.
Some of us like to pick.
My family came home with about 20 pounds of apples!


  1. Such a fun day! Now, what to do with ALL the apples?!

  2. I looked back at last years post, man I can't believe how much they have all grown, especially Ellie!

  3. Seriously, what will you do with all those apples??!!

  4. I bet you'll be having pie tonight!

  5. I have ingredients to make pie. Also, my family eats apples every day. They love fruit so they'll eat most of it raw. It'll get eaten!

  6. The kids look so cute. I was sad to miss that adventure this year, and Brandon didn't pick out good apples at all.


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