Saturday, October 18, 2008

Links for your enjoyment, 10.18.08

Children's Classics - Newbery Medal Winners by Jennifer at 5 Minutes for Books. (Check out the Mr. Linky if you are looking for book recommendations by other readers.)

Do not fear, for I am with you! by Sally at I Take Joy. (A good perspective on fear and anxiety given the current state of our economy. I felt challenged and encouraged for the role I play in my family and my influence on the other (soon-to-be) 5 people in my home!)

From a mother's heart by Lendy at Live, Laugh, Love...with boys! (A letter from an adoptive mom to her sons' birthmom. This is a real life friend of mine who finalized her adoptions this year.)

Back at hotel by Beth at The LPM Blog. (I'm totally bummed I couldn't attend the event in Connecticut on Friday night. Beth has a great prayer for all of us in this post. It really spoke to me.)

Nurture Your Kids Creativity and Independence with an Art Box by guest writer at Simple Mom. (Great idea!)

Stories that touch your heart! by Sally at I Take Joy (A look at suffering through the words of a favorite fiction author.)

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