Saturday, February 16, 2008

Shopping 'til I Drop

Last Saturday was my day for errands. After a fortifying breakfast of pancakes I headed out. First stop: the Salvation Army Thrift Shop where I unloaded the fruits of my Friday labors.

Then I headed to Sears. Our local Sears has a Land's End section in the store. I heart Land's End! I found these jeans. They are fabulous! (Although Joel takes some convincing of that.) I even splurged on myself and paid full price.

And I found these shoes. Most of the winter things were on sale for 50% of the lowest marked price. My shoes were regularly $39.50. I paid $12. Oh, yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about!!

I could have bought a long sleeve cashmere t-shirt for $32. Cashmere! For $32, Ladies!! Sadly, they didn't have a color I liked in my size.

I also had a coupon "Spend $50 get $10 Off." Unfortunately, that was regular price. For the lack of .50 cents the cashier wouldn't let me use my coupon. Not to worry, I just had her clear the purchase from her register and took myself upstairs to the children's section where I found a short-sleeve onesie for Ellie for $6.50. I would have paid that for the onesie anyway. So I consider myself to have paid $2 for my shoes or to have gotten the onesie for free and paid $9.50 for the shoes. Either way it was a great deal! Don't you love how that logic worked? = )

After showing great restraint at Sears (I've spent all my clothing budget and had to dip into my allowance. That always slows my shopping.) I moved next door to Wal*Mart. Where I found long sleeve turtleneck onesies for Ellie for $1. Yes! I said $1!!! She already has these exact ones so I went up a size in anticipation of Fall 2008. Then I noticed tights for $2 each. I bought 5 pairs, 1 for now and the rest in the next size for this fall. The knit hat was $1 and the 2 pack of knit gloves were $.50. Ellie was THRILLED with her new clothes. = )

After making my other boring Wal*Mart purchases (baby wipes, etc.) I headed to Price Rite for a few perishable groceries. No great deals to report there.

Four stops in one trip with many great deals. I call that a successful shopping trip.


  1. Love it, and those jeans are adorable!!!

  2. I love finding bargains! I like your new shoes and jeans! And the stuff for your daughter is great too. Do you have a Kohl's close by? Their clearance deals are amazing!


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