Friday, February 15, 2008

Bloggers with Compassion International in Uganda

I've been trying for half-an-hour to write a witty and compelling post about this:

Instead of me writing something, why don't you click on "read" or "watch" or "see" and go check out what those fine bloggers have written? You will be blessed.

And for the record, Joel, Will, Ben, Sally & I will be sitting down on Saturday to select three children for our family to sponsor. Yes, three. One for each of my own children.

How about you? Can you sponsor a child? It's $32 a month. Don't even tell me you don't have the money cause I am not going to believe you. Compared to what those children live with we are rich, my friends. Filthy. Stinking. Rich.


  1. We have sponsored a child for years. I'm terrible at corresponding with them though.

    That's great you will sponsoring 3!

    I guess Nevaeh can count as several sponsorships;)

  2. Can't wait to hear about your kids - that's awesome that you are doing three! What an example for your children and a great learning experience.

  3. This is so funny. I just wrote up a post (that will publish tomorrow) about this very same thing.

    I just signed up for one, but I eventually want to add another.


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