Monday, April 16, 2012

Menu Plan Monday :: April 16, 2012

My head is spinning!! Our family busy season officially began last week with the first baseball practice of the year. From now until the middle of June we have gymnastics, Cub Scouts, baseball practice, and at least one baseball game EVERY SINGLE WEEK.

All of these activities make cooking a challenge. Add in my quest to lose 15 pounds and cooking REALLY becomes a challenge!

So, what are we eating this week?

Curried Chicken and Apple Wraps, Fruit Salad
Lemon Pepper Salmon, Steamed Broccoli and Carrots, Rice
Roast Beef leftovers
Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Salad, Fruit
Roasted Chicken, Salad, Fruit
Friday night is Cub Scout night at the Paw Sox (our local minor league team connected to the Red Sox)! We may eat an early supper of sandwiches and just enjoy a few warm, powdered sugar covered Dough Boys at the stadium.  YUM!!

What are you eating this week?

Recent menu plans:

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