Friday, January 27, 2012

GROW Weekly Goals 1.27.12

It's time to check-in on my goals again. And once again I'm not where I wanted to be.

But, I have reasonable excuses. I spent 3 days last week in bed with a migraine. This week my husband worked nights and was around during the day. Both of those threw off our daily routine.

How did I do the last 2 weeks?

Here are my goals for January 15-21:


1. Read How to Study Your Bible for Kids with Will Tuesday - Friday. 
2. Made to Crave online study.


3. Nightly Face-to-Face with Joel.
4. Plan February date.


5. Read aloud 4 books.
6. Plan family nights for January and February.


7. Switch from hot black tea to hot herbal tea (no sugar). (The major cause for the migraine.)
8. Go to bed by 10:30 PM nightly. (Managed this a couple of nights.)


9. Set up cash envelope system. (Will do this weekend.)

10. #SITS31DBB (SITS Girls 31 Days to a Better Blog).
11. Share my new blog (
12. Snowman and Anne of Green Gables activities.

I think part of my problem is that I'm trying to make several major changes to our routine (Bible studies and reading) and it's too much. So I'm going to step back and focus on some smaller items for the next two weeks.

1. Read How to Study Your Bible for Kids with Will Tuesday - Friday. 


2. Plan February date.
3. Schedule babysitter.


4. Begin reading Little House in the Big Woods.
5. Plan family nights for February.


6. Get routine blood work done.
7. Go to bed by 10:30 PM nightly. (Managed this a couple of nights.)


8. Begin using cash envelope system. 


9. Launch my new blog (
10. Write and schedule February's blog posts.

That's my plan for the first 2 weeks of February.

How are you doing with your 2012 goals?


  1. Great plan! I really like how you stepped back, re-evaluated, and made a new plan which will hopefully be more realistic for right now!

    A few weeks ago we enjoyed a long weekend with family and lots of fun activities! The rest of that week was rough--I was tired and that made all the difference for the worst! Last weekend I got caught up on sleep and this past week has been MUCH better.

    We've got our cash plan worked out. Now just to go to the bank and fill them up for February! I'm really excited--although it took a lot of work to get here!!!

  2. Thanks, Amy!

    Weekend activities are always a struggle for me. That's when I catch up on sleep and rest. I'm learning not to pack too much into a week or weekend.

    This week was a little crazy with hubby home during the daytime and on-call at night. Plus a field trip. Plus a play date. We have an activity tomorrow as well so I'm not really getting much rest this weekend.

    We have some more tweaking to do to our budget. There are a once a year expenses we forgot about. Hopefully that will be done by tomorrow and then we can fill our envelopes next week. I'm also making our Feb. menu today, keeping in mind my grocery budget.

  3. Hey Steph! Catching up on your recent blog posts tonight! :) How do you like the study you are doing with Will? I have looked at it a couple of times, but we are doing something else now. It is on my list of things to check out!!

  4. Hi Christie, to be honest, I haven't started the study with Will. We own it and I think it's going to be great. I've just been busy with other stuff and haven't taken the time to do it with him.


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