Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Little Drummer Boy Book and DVD

The Little Drummer Boy by Ezra Jack Keats is the classic Christmas lyrics in book form. It tells the sweet story of a poor boy who has nothing tangible to give the infant king.

Instead he gives the only thing he has - the gift of playing a song on his drum.

Who can resist this story?! Especially children who love to "pa-rum-pum-pum-pum." I dare you not to sing the song as you read it!

The Little Drummer Boy version illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats is my favorite. The pictures are full of texture and draw the reader into the story.

Did you know there is a classic The Little Drummer Boy movie

I didn't know about the movie until last Christmas when we bought a set of classic Christmas TV movies. My children watched it a couple of weeks ago and it's cute. 

The story line is a little different from the classic song. The boy is forced to become a drummer and is not happy with his profession until he plays for the Newborn King. 

I wouldn't buy the movie on it's own but as a part of a bundle, it's worth having.

Do you own any copies of The Little Drummer Boy?

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