Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Visit with Pilgrims at Plimoth Plantation

How do you fare, goodwife? Pull up a chair near the hearth and while you eat your pottage I'll tell you about my visit to Plymouth, Massachusetts last year. Unfortunately, another visit is not in our Thanksgiving plans this year but we will make do with other holiday activities.

Plimoth Plantation is a re-creation of the Pilgrim village. Museum staff that work in the village are costumed interpreters. They are amazing actors who will only relate to you as their character who was a real person in the village in 1627.

The blacksmith fascinated us as he pumped giant bellows to increase his fire. Then he hammered a piece of metal into a nail. I think they really use the nails as they build and make repairs. The Museum tries to be as authentic as possible. Can you imagine doing work like that while in character and answering questions? It's fascinating!

Walking through Plymoth Village brings history to life. We saw and touched the grasses being used to thatch a roof. We smelled the smoke that permeates the homes. And we heard the odd-to-us words spoken by our Pilgrim forefathers.

The best part of Plimoth is definitely the interpreters! They turn historical names into living breathing people. Watching a Pilgrim woman maneuver around a fire with her long and heavy skirt takes all the romanticism out. And listening to the Governor discuss relations with the Indians gave me a sense of the fear Pilgrims initially had of attack.

Well, I'd better say fare thee well. I have breeches to mend and a couple of pillowberes to sew before I start cooking dinner. Thanks for stopping by!

Have you visited Plymoth Plantation? What was your favorite part?

Be sure to like Stephanie's Mommy Brain on Facebook where I'm sharing more Thanksgiving tips and links throughout November.

* More Thanksgiving Kids Activities and Books Posts


  1. I would love to take my kids there when they are older! It looks like so much fun!!!

  2. Plimoth Village and the Mayflower II is amazing! Pricey but worth the money every once in a while. My kids were 7, 5,4, and 2 when we went last year. They still remember it. It's only 30-45 minutes south of Boston, halfway between Boston and Cape Cod. Definitely a must see if you are in the area!

  3. Im glad I came across this. I have long forgotten the fun I had there as a kid. I am now a daycare owner and think I would like to take the kids and my little on there this year. Thanks :)


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