Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thanksgiving Poems for Children

I own about 20 different Thanksgiving related children's books. I know, that's a lot isn't it? It's hard for me to resist holiday books when they cost less than a dollar at a used book sale!

At the last sale I went to I found a different kind of Thanksgiving book. Thanksgiving Poems, selected by Myra Cohn Livingston, is a compilation of poems from a variety of genres. Among the 16 poems Livingston includes Native American poems, a Psalm, poems about the Pilgrims, and a poem about John the Baptist.

There are also silly poems included like Gobbledy-Gobble by Felice Holman. After receiving taunts for his "ugly as sin" appearance one turkey says,
"Well, sometimes they hurt ('Twould be nice to be purty.), but common sense says, "You're a winner." For on Thanksgiving Day they have all gone away to be somebody's good-looking dinner."
Ha!Ha! Sounds like a smart turkey! I noticed that Amazon has several used copies of Thanksgiving Poems for less than a dollar.  For a cute book with a lot of variety I this is a welcome addition to our Thanksgiving children's book collection.

Do you know of any funny Thanksgiving poems? Please share!

Be sure to like Stephanie's Mommy Brain on Facebook where I'm sharing more Thanksgiving tips and links throughout November. 

More Thanksgiving Kids Activities and Books Posts

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