Friday, November 18, 2011

A Silly Kid's Thanksgiving Poem

After reading silly Thanksgiving poems this week, we pulled out our Thanksgiving journals and my children tried their hand at writing an original poem of their own.

Hilarious doesn't begin to describe it. See for yourself. An original poem by William, age 8:

In case you need an interpreter:
The turkey said to the pie, "You are dry."
The pie said to the turkey, "Your future looks murky."
Can you write an original Thanksgiving poem?

Be sure to like Stephanie's Mommy Brain on Facebook where I'm sharing more Thanksgiving tips and links throughout November.

More Thanksgiving Kids Activities and Books Posts

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  1. Way to go Will! Love it! That would be cute framed as a Thanksgiving decoration...definitely something to hold onto!

  2. It's in his Thanksgiving journal for this year. SOOO glad we made journals this year. They are full of cuteness I will keep for always!!

    I have to say, I chuckle every time I read this silly little poem. He was so proud of his rhymes!

  3. How sweet! What a great activity. I am stopping by from HHH. Happy Thanksgiving!


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