Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mom Central Blogging Grants Program FINALIST!!!

On Monday Mom Central announced the 45 finalists in the Blogging Grants Contest.  Guess who was on it!  ME!! 

I am super excited, and more than a little nervous, about the final judging stage.  The contestants were divided into three categories based on their blog's Alexa ranking.  The 15 applicants in each category that received the most votes have advanced to the finalist round which is judged by the Mom Central committee.

That's what makes me nervous!  The voting part wasn't too bad.  I finished #8 overall, thanks to all my wonderful readers!  But I'm #2 in the 3rd category and there is only one grant available for that category.

According to the Mom Central Grant official rules
Eligible Submissions will be judged on the following weighted basis (the “Judging Criteria”):
(i) Blog Need - 40%
(ii) Blog Vision and Aspiration – 60%
So, here's hoping that the Mom Central committee believes in my vision for a blog that supports, equips and encourages moms and sees a need for another blog that will help parents make the most of family time!

Regardless of Mom Central's decision I appreciate your support and encouragement!!  Thank you to everyone who voted, especially to those who voted every. single. day. for two months!  My readers are the best ever!!

1 comment:

  1. HURRAY!!!!! =D That's so very exciting!! (BTW, I like the new header. Which I assume is new. I don't recall it looking like that before. But I like it. Very much.)


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