Tuesday, January 4, 2011

L.M. Montgomery Reading Challenge 2011

L. M. Montgomery Reading Challenge

I am once again participating in the L.M. Montgomery Reading Challenge at Reading to Know.  It's kinda hard to be friends with Carrie (Reading to Know) and NOT participate.  Her enthusiasm for Anne and all things Montgomery is contagious.

Since I read 3 of the Anne books last year (reviews are here and here) I didn't really want to revisit them this time around.  So I hopped on my library's online catalog and searched for Montgomery.  After careful deliberation I reserved five books:

In looking through my archives for this post I was surprised to see I had participated in this challenge in 2009.  I'm not surprised I forgot.  At the time I had a 3 month old infant, was homeschooling for the first time, and was just generally sleep-deprived and stressed!

I also laughed after I read my challenge intro post from 2010.  In it I say that I have just received the Anne of Green Gables DVD for Christmas.  Really?  I own the movie?!  I had to go downstairs and check my shelves for it.  Sure enough!  I own it!  So, I may try to watch the movie with my children and see what they think about it.

My plan is to read and review each of these books throughout January.  We'll see how well I do this year.

Do you have a favorite Anne of Green Gables scene or quote? Please share it in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Well, variety IS the spice of life! I'm glad you are pulling out some Anne picture (pop-up) books to talk about. I think that's an awesome addition. I'll be curious to know more about them. I found an Anne pop-up book at Goodwill about a month or so back and picked it up but haven't really taken a good luck at it yet. I thought it was rather unique.

    And yay! Now I can hope that you'll like the Blue Castle. ;D


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