Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Where to find your local U-Pick Strawberry Farm?

They look like strawberries.  They smell like strawberries.  And they ALMOST taste like strawberries. 

But, when compared to the delicious fruit found at a local farm, grocery store strawberries are only a cheap imitation!

Instead of settling for a mediocre berry I recommend you find a local farm and pick your own berries straight from the plant!  (Or buy them at a local farmer's market.)

To help you find a local U Pick or Pick Your Own farm I've compiled a list of farm registry websites.  Just click on the links below and search for your area.  If you still can't find a local farm then google "u pick strawberry farm YOUR TOWN, YOUR STATE" and see what comes up. (for farms in New England) (for farms in NJ, NY, and PA) (for farms in Rhode Island) (for farms in Kentucky)

I would love to hear about your strawberry picking trip!!  What is your favorite Farm and where is it located?


  1. My little hometown in Arkansas used to be a major source of strawberries for the country! I remember going strawberry picking as a child, and it was such fun. Now there are no remaining U-pick farms anywhere in the area. It's a sad thought...

  2. Ann, THAT is sad! No U-pick farms in your area? How can that be?! You have my sympathies!!!

  3. We actually do have a couple of places down here where we live now, about three hours from my hometown. I had just been asking around in my hometown for a friend of mine who's up there a lot this summer - she wanted to go strawberry picking for something to do while she was up there. It broke my heart when I found out there wasn't anywhere to go anymore. Down here in the southern part of the state we have farms for just about every growing season!


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