Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Strawberry Picking Children's Books Recommendation

It's strawberry picking time here in Rhode Island!!

If you've been reading here long then you know I like to include a book (or two) in any activity my family does.  Strawberry picking is no different.

So far I've found two delightful books about strawberries.

The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Hungry Bear written by Don and Audrey Wood.  Illustrated by Don Wood.  Child's Play, 1984.

The narrator (who we never see) tells a little mouse that a bear will come and eat his juicy red strawberry.  The little mouse does all he can to keep his strawberry safe - even using Groucho Marx glasses as a disguise. 

This book is officially my FAVORITE strawberry book!  I sat on the couch with 3 of my 4 children and we read it together.  Or rather, we giggled and laughed our way through the book.  Though the story is very cute, what really makes this book are the illustrations.  The little mouse doesn't speak words but his body language makes his thoughts VERY clear.
After we go strawberry picking, I plan to read this book with my children again.  Then I'll hand each of my children a paper I downloaded from the author's website and let them draw what THEY think the bear looks like.

The other strawberry book I found is completely different but also charming.

Molly and the Strawberry Day by Pam Conrad.  Illustrated by Mary Szilagyi.  HarperCollins Publishers, 1994.

Molly and the Strawberry Day is exactly what this book is about.  Molly goes strawberry picking with her parents early one morning.  Her dad predicts they will soon have "strawberries coming out of their ears."  We follow Molly through the rest of her day as she uses the strawberries they picked that morning.

I have no plans to make jam from our strawberries or a facial for myself but reading about all the different ways Molly uses strawberries is fun.  Except for her baloney-and-strawberry sandwich.  I think I could do without that.  Ewww!

Whether you are picking strawberries at a farm or just bringing them home from the store, I recommend you pick up copies of these books and enjoy a bowl of fresh strawberries soon!

Have you read these books?  Do you having any strawberry book recommendations?


  1. We love the big hungry bear and the little mouse, too!

  2. They both sound like great books. Love the picture! He is such a comedian!

  3. LOL! I burst out laughing over the picture. That's totally awesome!

    It's strawberry picking time HERE but, unfortunately, Bookworm2 likes to touch everything in sight and takes great delight in eating dirt and tearing into plants. I'm afraid to taking him picking this year. So I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that strawberry "season" will extend to Saturday when I can go buy myself and pick us some fresh strawberries!

  4. Carrie, I've never taken my little guys without plenty of helpers to keep them from doing too much damage. This year the older 3 were big enough to really pick while Daddy was on Sam patrol.

    It's kind of hard to see in the picture but both the strawberry and the mouse have on the Groucho Marx glasses. I bought several pairs at the dollar store years ago. They have provided us with lots of entertainment!

  5. The books sound great. I love the picture too!

  6. I hope everyone wore "red" that day.
    I don't know of any books with strawberries in them.

    I remember picking strawberries
    on a farm nearby with my mom. We picked a crate full. Who knows how many we would have ended up with if I, uh, we had not eatten that first one. (my favorite fruit) It was a hot May day in the Ozarks of Arkansas.
    Have you tried homemade biscuits with strawberries on top and don't forget the whipped cream. Mom made it fresh from the cow. Back then, Cool Whip wasn't available. Or maybe homemade strawberry ice cream. They can be added to vanilla store bought.:)

    May there be many red smiles at your house this week.


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