Friday, May 22, 2009

What a week! Can I get a little cheese with my whine?

Whew! What a week I've had!!

I started off this week with a plan. It was a very nice plan. It would have worked beautifully!!

Sadly, it did not.

Early in the week my new and pretty red Dell arrived! Yippee!! Did I mention Sally (my shiny gray laptop) died a couple of months ago? Graphics card gave up the ghost. So I've been back on Franky. Which is a big part of why my blogging has dropped off. Blogging on a 5+ year old laptop is so not fun!

Anyway. I've been trying to get Ruby (the new Dell) set up this week. The problem is she came loaded with Windows Vista. We are Windows XP people. Vista is a whole new ballgame.

When I wasn't trying to figure Ruby out I was cleaning my house (and basement) to get ready for Will's birthday party on Memorial Day. Side note: apparently I have an addiction to saving shipping and diaper boxes. I broke down about a dozen EMPTY boxes that I had put in the basement.

Then Thursday Joel was notified that his job is changing. Let me see if I can explain. Joel works for Company F. Company C contracts Co. F (and Joel) to do some of their computer programming. The two companies have been renegotiating their contract since January. As part of the new contract which was announced this week, Company C will now in-house Joel's entire team (all 6 people).

Thursday and Friday the team dealt with HR for both companies, went for fingerprinting, filed all manner of paperwork and tried to get our insurance benefits figured out.

Basically, effective June 1, Joel will work for Company C. Maybe. If we accept their "offer." If we don't accept the "offer" we have no job. No severance will be given. It's a take it or leave kind of deal.

Why am I whining about my week? Because I was all set to post a new Family Fun Friday article today about our trip to a minor league baseball game. I even have video! But Ruby won't import my video. Just the audio, which frankly means nothing without the video. And Franky is so old he won't let me edit the video. Argh!!!

So, hopefully Joel can look at Ruby tomorrow (after he mows the lawn and gets the grill ready for our party) and fix whatever the problem is. Then I will happily publish my Family Fun Friday post a day late. Sigh!

Does anyone else have any experience getting Windows Movie Maker to work in Vista? I'd love any tips you have!!


  1. I have not tried the movie maker, but I can say I do prefer Vista to XP. And it also took me a long time to get some of my computer components to work with vista, but once everything is working, it is smooth sailing.
    Hope you can get the movie maker working. ;)

  2. Hope it's a fun party tomorrow!! ...ugh about the job changes. We have Windows Vista Home Edition and I have not had time to figure out the movie stuff. I can upload pictures and videos, but I haven't edited videos or done anything else with them just yet.

  3. I don't even know what to say-that is a LOT going on!! Wow! Hope your party is fun today and everything smooths out! I guess Joel is accepting??

  4. sorry...a little behind on the blog:)

    when I got Ace I made the switch to Vista...I like it now that I somewhat understand it:) I had no problems using the movie maker in Vista. Is the movie in MP4 format? If so, you can't open it in Windows movie maker.

    I'm so sorry to hear about Joel's job...the unknown stuff of life...uuugh!!


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