Thursday, May 28, 2009

In Which I Brag Shamelessly About My Husband

I rarely discuss my husband's job on the blog. There are a number of reasons for that but mainly it's because this blog is to talk about family related stuff.

Well, this last week we've had a transition with Joel's job - and that's pretty family related. Not to mention, it's on my mind. So, I'm going to break my own rule a little.

Let me begin by saying thank you to everyone who emailed that they were praying for his job decision after reading my last post. We really appreciate your emails and prayers.

The short version of my story is that Joel is taking the job offer, which means the major changes are who signs his check and who he reports to.

Now, when have you known me to only give the short version? So here's the long version - and the bragging part.

Brief background: Joel was hired by Company A shortly after college graduation 12 years ago to work in Rhode Island as a part of their contract with Company C. About 5-6 years ago Company F bought out Company A. Nothing much changed for us. Just who was signing his check.

Now to the present: By the first part of this week, the other 5 members of Joel's team had signed and returned their acceptance letters for the positions with Co. C. Joel had not. Instead he asked some questions. The biggest sticking points were:
  1. We would no longer be reimbursed for our internet service (so he can work remote from home).
  2. He would no longer be provided a cell phone (we have 1 cell phone that I carry for emergencies).
  3. He would lose his 12 years of service with the company. Even though he technically worked for Co. A & F, the entire 12 years has been in Co. C facilities. This would mean he wouldn't be vested in Co. C retirement plans AND we would have 10 days less of paid time off.
Other members of the team asked about cell phones and other things and were told no. Joel asked, and the new Co. C manager went to bat for him and got us: carry-over years of service, a company issued cell phone, AND a raise to offset the cost of paying for our own internet service.


The other team members are also getting their years of service AND the raise. I've told Joel they all owe him lunch out or something!!

I am very proud of my husband for taking a risk and asking for more! I think he received what he asked for because of his integrity and work ethic AND because he is the senior member of his team.

Side note: the new Co. C manager was Joel's manager years ago when he first started at Co. A. The "new" manager invested in Joel all those years ago and continues to do so.

If you are still reading and are totally confused by this post let me recap for you:

My husband is changing employers but not jobs. He asked for and received some benefits that weren't offered in the beginning. I am very proud of him for taking a risk (given today's economy) and always maintaining a high standard of integrity and work ethic.

I love you, Sweet!! Happy (belated) 12th Anniversary!!


  1. YAY! Good for Joel (and the rest of the family too)! I think this post was well worth breaking your own rule. : )

    So glad that everything worked out so well. So glad that Joel's diligence paid off for him and the his other team members - they definitely owe him lunch!

  2. Congratulations! I am glad Company C is working out so well. Hopefully all will continue to settle pleasantly into place. Enjoy the weekend! :)

  3. Shameless bragging is most definitely in order from time to time! I'm very glad things are falling into place and working out.

  4. I love it! Thanks for breaking your rule and sharing. I wondered about some of the benefits in this whole transition - so excited to hear how God took care of it all! That's definitely worth being proud!

  5. Hooray for Joel! Our favorite son! Brag all you want to!

    Love, Linda

  6. I'm with ya! Didn't lose you in the letters! Glad it worked out and glad to hear when anyone wants to brag shamelessly about their spouse! It really doesn't happen enough in our culture, I think. :)


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