Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Towel War

My guys are 4.5 & (nearly) 3 years old. Being so close in age means they take their baths together. Two birds with one stone kinda thing. They GREATLY enjoy bath time (if Daddy's the bath giver cause he lets them splash).

One of their after-bath rituals is called "Towel War." Usually it's the little guy that initiates (he's still trying to be top dog). He will run into the bedroom, rip off his towel and cry TOWEL WAR! Then he swings his towel at Brother. Who obliges him by doing the same. Within a few minutes the little guy is generally running screaming for cover (that would be me).

Neither Joel nor I remember teaching the boys this little game. Apparently hitting each other with towels is one of those things included in the male DNA. I do think it's in the male DNA because I don't see Ellie willingly participating in this activity.

It's pretty funny to watch. But I can just imagine what it will be like in 10 years when they've learned how to actually snap the towels. Heaven help me! I bet they won't be running to me for cover while nekked then though. = )


  1. I'm absolutely amazed that my kids didn't make this one up yet! Typically they just like to run around naked and throw their socks and underwear at each other.

    I guess it's really the same game, just different equipment!

  2. You're right. It must be the male DNA. My girls would never think to do this. My son thinks that's what towels are for.

  3. God has CERTAINLY created men and women differently!!!!

  4. That is so funny! God sure does make things interesting by creating us so different.


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