Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reply or No Reply, That is the Question.

I've been having an email conversation with one of my sweet real life friends about some details of blogging. I've wondered for weeks why her comments had "no reply" for the email address and why her profile doesn't list her blog. The answer came clear in our discussion - she didn't know her profile was set to "no reply!"

I've noticed several other regular commenters have similar "no reply" email addresses. You can't imagine how frustrating this can be when I want to thank you for your comment or ask you a question and I can't.

After my conversation with my friend I realized there may be others, like her, who don't realize their email address says "no reply" and their blogs aren't listed. Let me just say that if you've left a comment on my blog and not received an email in reply it's because your address says "no reply."

So, please, please, please, go to "New Post" or "Customize." Then "Dashboard," "Edit Profile," "Show my email address" and if you blog make sure you've checked "show my blogs."

If you aren't a blogger (you know who you are!) but you've been leaving comments around Blogville, you may want to consider letting the world read your profile and setting up an email address bloggers can respond to. That way we know who you are if you aren't a real life friend.

If your email address is your name consider setting up a separate account. I have a gmail account just for blogging. Gmail can be configured to forward to another address if you don't want to keep track of separate accounts (though I like not have my blogging stuff mixed in with my family stuff).

OK, that's my piece of bloggy advice for the day. Could you do me a favor and just check to make sure your settings are what you want them to be. Thanks. I appreciate it. = )


  1. Isn't that the most frustrating thing??? I would love to reply to some of my comments, but can't!

  2. But now I'm in a serious mess because I set up my blog with my first gmail address that has my last name on it. I've set up a new one (so that I can say yes you can email me), but I can't transfer so to speak my blog to it. I just don't know if I want my full name out there so openly.

  3. Answering Alicia's question (well--it's not a question), but she can change it, because I know I did. I just don't remember how.

    As you know I love to reply personally to comments, and I love it when you reply to mine. I too get frustrated that I can't just send off a reply, and wish others would include their emails.

  4. Thanks for educating me! I'm learning...slowly! I believe I have mine changed now...


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