Saturday, August 18, 2007

Countdown Continues #3

Countdown: 6 days. 144 hours.
Until the Providence Living Proof Live Event!!

To Do:
1. Stock freezer with frozen food Joel can cook while I'm gone.
2. Haircut.
3. Shop for sassy top & jacket.
4. Pack.
5. Check 58 times to make sure I have my ticket.
6. Have a blast with Beth, my friends & Jesus.

If you are planning to attend the Living Proof Live Event in Providence this weekend there is a group of us who will be meeting for an early supper on Friday night. We will meet about 4:30 pm at the Providence Place Mall Food Court. The Mall is within walking distance of the conference center. The food court is on one of the upper floors. If you aren't from the area, just ask anyone and they can direct you to the right place.

If you are going, can you send me an email or leave a comment? Then we'll know to be on the look out for you. Thanks.

Oh, if you're curious about my husband's thoughts on my outing go here. He's mostly tongue-in-cheek.


  1. Stephanie,
    I will be there and I can hardly wait!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to meeting you and the rest of my siestas AND hearing God speak through Beth!!!! In four days I will be getting on the bus here in Pa. and heading north!!!! It looks like my exclamation point is stuck, but its not! I am just filled with great anticipation and excitement for what God is going to do! My email is if there are any more details about RI. Thanks!
    Siesta Susan

  2. I'll only be there in spirit! I'd love to join my blogging siestas and hear God speak through Beth as well! But...that's not possible this time! I was at the WOF pre-conference in Cleveland and let me just tell everyone reading... Your life will never be the same after the weekend! Get ready!! Have a great time!!!!!!!!
    Siesta Angie in Michigan :(

  3. Boohoo. Crying from Wales. Will she ever come to the UK!!!!

  4. I am excited for you to get to go! You sound pretty excited too. I'm sure your husband will do great, and I hope you can relax and re-charge!


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