Monday, July 30, 2012

Save Money Grocery Shopping with Cut It Out! ebook

How much do you spend each month on groceries to feed your family?

$700?  $800?  $1,000?!

Kate Megill feeds her family of 10 on $500 a month. And she does it WITHOUT coupons.

Cut It Out! by Kate Megill

Yep. You read that correctly. $500 a month for a family of 10. I thought I did really well by spending $500 a month for my family of 6!

Kate recently offered her ebook in exchange for a review to the members of a Facebook group I participate in. I jumped at the chance to read Cut It Out!

I considered myself a frugal grocery shopping expert but watched my grocery budget inch upwards in recent years. I wanted to learn Kate's grocery shopping tips so I can lower my budget again.

Basic tips and tricks for saving money on groceries.  

In Cut It Out! Kate suggests you:
  • Create a master list of meals. 
  • Write out a menu plan based on those meals. 
  • Track supermarket prices in a price book. 
  • Invest in a well-stocked pantry. 
  • And a whole lot more.

I came away from Cut It Out! with a renewed goal of lowering our grocery budget. I already menu plan and shop sales but I could do a much better job of this. Kate reminded me of the basic steps to frugal food shopping that I've been skipping.

Would you like to save money at the grocery store? 

I strongly suggest you purchase Cut It Out! and implement Kate's method for saving money!

From today through August 3, 2012, Cut It Out! is only $1.99. After August 3 the price will increase to $3.99.

If you are a newcomer to frugal grocery shopping, or an expert seeking encouragement that you're on the right path, I recommend you buy Cut It Out! today!

Are you a frugal newbie or a frugal expert? What is your best money saving tip?

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Disclosure: I received a free copy of Cut It Out! in exchange for my review. My opinions are my own. I truly believe this book will help anyone looking to save money on groceries.

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The Better Mom, Hip Homeschool Hop, Women Living Well, Raising Homemakers, Mom's Library, Whatever Wednesday, What's Up Wednesday

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