Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Homemade Snack Mix Recipe

I am a snacker. There. I admitted it. I like to snack. Sweet. Salty. Doesn't matter. I am an equally opportunity snack eater.

Finding healthy snacks to eat is a bit of a challenge for me. I think you'll agree that there is only so much fruit a person can eat!

Snack mix is one of my favorite mid-afternoon breaks. Unfortunately, store bought mixes are loaded with calories and salt and everything I'm trying to avoid right now as I create a fitness lifestyle.

So I created my own snack mix recipe:

1 oz whole almonds (not roasted, salt free)
30 chocolate chips (or 15g)
1/3 cup dried cranberries (look on the baking aisle)
Measure ingredients. Combine.

I do NOT recommend you eat the whole bowl in one serving. All 3 items added together totals 360 calories. That is a whole lot of calories for a snack!! 

I pour the snack mix into a Ziploc bag and grab a handful once or twice a day when I feel snackish.

What is your favorite healthy food snack?

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  1. for years I've been making a variation on this: I use dry roasted unsalted peanuts, roasted sunflower seeds, chopped dates, chocolate chips, raisins, and any thing else I have around the house that will go with. (pretzels, almonds, other nuts, dried fruits, coconut, etc.) I put it all in a large container and left it on the counter when the kids were growing up. When their friends were over, it would disappear. we also packed it for snacks on trips! I just threw it all together though, you are much more methodical than I was!

  2. Nancy, that sounds delicious!! I'm methodical because I'm trying to lose those last 10 pounds that are extremely tenacious! Also, my kids don't really like my snack mix. Some don't like the almonds, others don't like the dried cranberries. If I let them eat my snack mix they just pick out the chocolate chips.

  3. This looks so delicious! I am definitely going to try this recipe. Thank you!

  4. This looks really yummy!!!! I am definitely going to have to try a variation of this for my toddler. Hopping over from Just For Fun Fridays. - A Little R & R

  5. Rosilind, my toddlers always liked cheerios and raisins mixed together. You could add chocolate chips or M&Ms. Have fun with it! :)


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