Sunday, May 27, 2012

Honoring the Military with our Cub Scouts

One of the things I love about Cub Scouts is the way they honor service, especially service in the military. As a way to honor our past military members, for Memorial Day we "planted" American flags on all of the graves at the Rhode Island Veteran's Cemetary with our Cub Scout Pack.

As we worked, we talked about the importance of honoring those who serve our country. Joel and I shared stories of our grandfathers who served in the Army during World War II: my grandpa stepped on a land mine in France and lost part of his leg, while Joel's grandfather served as a doctor at a fort in the States.

Today my family thanks the men and women of the United States military for your service and efforts to keep us safe and free. We also thank the families who equally sacrifice while their loved ones are deployed.

Specifically we thank our friends:
  • Dan in the Navy (and Alicia, Timothy, Samantha, and Hannah)
  • Doug in the Navy (and Heather, Vivian, Evan, and Nathan)
  • Pete in the Army (and Barbie, Morgan, and Warren)
  • Victor in the Army (and Sarah, Richard, and Luke)

If you are active or former military we also thank you!!! 

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