Thursday, March 15, 2012


windows down
wind blasting
hair whipping

radio on
music blaring
hands drumming

drink full
moisture beading
lips swallowing

friends beside
laughter exploding
faces smiling

On this warm sunny day in spring, I'm thinking about road trips with college friends. It's been 15 years since I threw a few clothes and a toothbrush in a bag and headed out on a road trip on a whim.

This isn't to say I'd change my life but days like today make me long for a Rte. 44 Vanilla Dr. Pepper, an Abba CD, and two beautiful friends name April and Michelle.

Do you have fond road trip memories from college? Please share!

Help me take a road trip with my kids this year. Vote for me to be a 2012 #wynwomen #travelblogger!  

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  1. This brought back memories, I had many a college roadtrip, and a roomate who LOVED Abba! Thanks for linking up today!!!

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Amy! You have to love Abba! One of my friends had an older brother at the same college so they shared a car. He was an Abba fan and kept the car stocked with music. So when she drove, we road tripped to Abba. I always smile when I hear Abba come on in a store. And have an urge to hit the open road!

  3. Where do I begin? Sulpher Springs? Poplar Bluff (apologies to Michelle), blowing up the motor on the way to Hot Springs ... hanging at the Arlington with y'all... thanks for the warm fuzzies! xoxoxo!

  4. Good times. These days, I plug in Pandora radio. Mix ABBA with some Shania Twain and you have some great road trippin tunes.

  5. Road trip! Awesome! I love doing this when I was younger with my family and hope to one day do trips with my family! Such fun! Good luck- I voted:)


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