Friday, January 6, 2012

GROW Weekly Goals 1.9.12

Earlier this week I shared my 6 goals for 2012 and my one word theme for the year - Grow.

Because I am a terrible procrastinator and need accountability, I am going to blog 12 of my bite-sized goals each week and report on my progress.

Here are the little goals for January 1-5:

1. Read How to Study Your Bible for Kids with Will Monday - Friday.


2. Plan our January and February away dates. Schedule babysitter.
3. Weekly at-home date.

4. One-on-one with Ellie for haircuts.
5. Plan Sunday's Family Night activity.
6. Start 100 Read Aloud book list.

7. Go to bed by 10:30 PM nightly.
8. Eat 3 servings of veggies a day.

9. Make a new budget.

10. Email SITs Girls info for my SITs day.
11. Write down blog goals and business plan.
12. Write down launch plan for new blog.

I am not off to a stellar start. The laundry got done, kids got feed, and some school work happened but that's pretty much it.

However, I accomplished a lot for Stephanie's Mommy Brain. Check out my new about page! I also tweaked the layout to (hopefully) make site navigation easier. I also wrote and scheduled a bunch of posts for this month.

Since I didn't accomplish much this week many of my goals are carrying over. Here are the goals for January 6-12:

1. Read How to Study Your Bible for Kids with Will Monday - Friday.


2. Plan our January and February away dates. Schedule babysitter.
3. Weekly at-home date.

4. One-on-one with Ellie for haircuts.
5. Plan Sunday's Family Night activity.
6. Start 100 Read Aloud book list.

7. Go to bed by 10:30 PM nightly.
8. Eat 3 servings of veggies a day.

9. Make a new budget.

10. Write down launch plan for new blog.
11. Write and schedule 9 blog posts for SMB.
12. Enjoy my SITs Girls feature day on Friday.

Hopefully the coming week will see more progress than this week!

Did baby steps did you take this week to meeting your 2012 goals?


  1. I did already get a babysitter for a February date! If we don't plan in advance, we won't do it...

    Our "new schedule" has gone pretty well. Still tweaking it, but definitely a successful week.

    Excited to hear how your goals go this week!!

  2. Glad to hear your new schedule is going well. Isn't if fun to have a great routine in place and just do a little tweaking?

    You are right about the babysitter! Our favorite sitter is very popular and also runs her own cleaning business and is finishing up her senior year of high school. So I need to schedule in advance with her!

  3. girl that seems like a lot to me! i NEEEED to get ahead in my posting. posting the day of everyday is not a good plan. just sayin':)

  4. Thanks! I keep telling myself that things are getting done. Just not as much or as fast as I want. I had planned to get our newly tweaked routine going this week but that didn't happen. Writing everyday doesn't work for me! My free time is too unpredictable for that. I have about 5 blog posts left to write and I'm scheduled for all of January (other than my weekly goal posts).

    Then I'm moving on to writing for my new blog. :)


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