Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Best Time Management E Book!

After my first child was born I discovered the beauty of a regular routine. Back then my routine consisted of feeding baby, changing baby, playing with baby, and occasionally sleeping. As my first baby grew and changed so did my routine.

Today there are no babies in my house now but there is a routine. I've found a regular routine reduces the number of decisions I have to make each day. It also helps my children move easily from one activity to another.

Occasionally I get in a scheduling rut. For whatever reason a routine just won't work for me anymore and I won't have any motivation to make a new one.

That's what happened to me about a month ago. Our routine just didn't seem to flow and I started flying by the seat of my pants. THAT always gets me in trouble! We ended up eating out a lot, school work didn't get done, and the house was a disaster.

To help pull me out of my lethargy I read books and blogs about organizing or time management. In December, I bought Tell Your Time, a GREAT little ebook about time management.

Tell Your Time by Amy Lynn Andrews is only 30 pages long and currently costs $2.99. Amy packed a lot of valuable information, tips and inspiration in those 30 pages!

In Tell Your Time, Amy shares how to identify your roles and purposes. Then she explains a system for including in your day the steps necessary to accomplish your purposes.

Amy's time management system is based on the classic envelope money management system. Instead of dollars and envelopes, you manage time and activities. Instead of "telling your money where to go" you tell your time where to go.

I love that!

By the time I finished reading Tell Your Time I remembered why I schedule our day and was inspired to create a new our daily routine.

If you are a time management newbie, or a veteran looking for fresh motivation, I strongly recommend you buy Tell Your Time today!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.


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