Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Beaded Accessories Hot for Spring

I absolutely can't believe that I am writing a fashion post!  Me.  A fashion wannabe is about to give fashion advice.

Tonight I joined a webinar by Shari Braendel, author of Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad.  She shared about the hottest trends for this Spring.  Now, I'm not usually a "hottest trends" girl but I did appreciate hearing what's popular and what I can expect to see in the stores.

I nearly fell out of my chair when she said beaded accessories are popular this year.  Why?  Because I already planned to write a post telling you about Chunky Bling - an online jewelry company that specializes in ... wait for it... BEADED ACCESSORIES!

Who would have thought I'm a part of a trend?!

OK.  On to Chunky Bling.

Beaded WatchesThey contacted me before Christmas about becoming an affiliate with their company.  Basically that means I blog about them, put a button on my side bar, and if you purchase anything via my affiliate link then I receive a small commission.

If you've read here long then you know I'm picky about the products and services I share with you.  I have a rule that if I'm going to promote something to you, it should be a product I would use or buy myself.

Chunky Bling is one of those companies.  They specialize in beaded watches, necklaces, bracelets and rings.  Many of their products are around $10!  That's a great deal for a fun, new bracelet for Spring!

They also sent me a ring to try out.  I selected the Swarvorski Pearl Bordeaux ring in a size small. 

Initially I had concerns about the ring.  Due to my rheumatoid arthritis my fingers swell and shrink constantly so I was afraid the Chunky Bling ring might get stuck or not even fit.  But it's made of a stretchy cord rather than a metal wire so I've had no problem wearing it.

If you want to be trendy this Spring, or if you just want a new piece of fun jewelry, check out Chunky Bling!

Disclosure:  All Chunky Bling links are affiliate links.  If you purchase through the link I will receive a small commission.  As incentive to join the affiliate program I received a Chunky Bling ring to review.  I do believe this jewelry is fun, pretty and reasonably priced.

1 comment:

  1. I just LOVE Shari!!! That call was awesome :) I learned so much. Thanks for sharing about Chunky Bling. They have a great selection!


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