Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Best Books for a Road Trip with Children

How do I keep 4 children under the age of 7 occupied during a 10 hour road trip?

I give them books!!!

But not just any books.  I give them Discover America State by State books by Sleeping Bear Press.

While planning our recent trip to D.C. I wanted to include books in our trip.  So I decided it would be fun to use the state themed alphabet books by Sleeping Bear Press for the 7 different states we drove through (RI, CT, NY, NJ, DE, MD, VA).

With the help of the Rhode Island library system I managed to collect the alphabet book for each state and the city of Washington, D.C.  Then on our trip I put the books in a box between Will and Ben.  They could pull the books out anytime they wanted and read all about the state we were currently traveling through.

And there's a bonus with these books.  Each one has an online study guides that you can download and print!  So not only can a child read about Delaware, he can work a word search about Delaware.  

I found the Sleeping Bear Press State by State alphabet books worked well for keeping my children entertained our a long road trip.  It almost makes me want to take another trip so we can get some new books.  Almost.

Do you use books to keep your children entertained on a long road trip?  If so, which ones?

Disclaimer:  I have NOT received any compensation or been requested to write this review.  The opinions and idea are all mine.  I truly love Sleeping Bear Press and think everyone should love them, too.


  1. I like your idea of having them available for DURING the car ride through the state! That's so helpful and more fun for the kids, too, I would think.

  2. These books sound really neat! What a great idea!


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