Tuesday, June 29, 2010

(Almost Healthy) Red, White and Blueberry Pie

Independence Day is right around the corner and my fridge is full of strawberries and blueberries.  That can only mean one thing:

It's time to make Red, White and Blueberry Pie!!!

RWB Pie is probably my favorite pie ever, well, my second favorite, right behind apple pie.  Unfortunately, it is not the most scale-friendly pie ever made.  I don't know the nutritional info on it and I'm OK with that. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt!!

But, this summer I am determined to get rid of my 20+ extra pounds and a couple of extra inches.  Which means I can't float down Denial with this pie.  So I'm tweaking the recipe a little to reduce some of the calories.  Without further ado I give you...

(Almost Healthy) Red, White and Blueberry Pie

  • 1 pie crust
  • 1 quart fresh strawberries, divided
  • 1 package cheesecake (or white chocolate or vanilla) sugar free instant pudding
  • low or fat free milk (according to pudding package directions)
  • 1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries
  • 1 cup light whipped topping, thawed

  1. Bake pie crust according to package directions or golden brown. Cool completely.
  2. Rinse strawberries and pat dry on paper towels. Select 8 uniformly sized berries; cut in half through stem ends. Set aside. Hull and slice remaining berries into uniform sized pieces.
  3. Arrange sliced strawberries over bottom of cooled pie crust.
  4. Prepare pudding according to package directions.  Pour over top of sliced strawberries.
  5. Arrange blueberries evenly over top of pie filling. Attach open star tip to Easy Accent Decorator (or any decorator frosting bag) and fill with whipped topping. Pipe topping evenly around edge of pie. Place strawberry halves on whipped topping border. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Cut into wedges.

Yield: 8 servings (VERY generous portions, you can easily get 10)

What kind of dessert do you make for the 4th of July?


  1. har har on Denial. ;D

    This pie sounds yummy!

    We have NO traditional 4th of July type foods that we eat around here. I confess I haven't even begun to think about it.

    As for dessert, I think we're going either the snowcone or icecream route. Not sure yet...something easy!

  2. Carrie, glad you appreciated my little joke. :) We have an ice cream maker and I'm considering homemade ice cream for Sunday.

  3. Let me know what you think of the SF pudding...

    We are planning to grill, grill, and grill some more this weekend! Can't wait! I do have a recipe for banana blueberry bread that I am considering for a breakfast...we'll see if I have the energy after VBS this week! :)


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