Friday, May 28, 2010

Playing T-ball on Family Fun Friday

I vividly remember my dad throwing the baseball toward me.  Seven year old me stretched out my pint-sized baseball glove toward the ball.  The ball landed my open glove, popped straight up, and hit me in the lip.  Hard.

It goes without saying that I have been afraid of the ball since that day.  Which really didn't help me when I played T-ball that same year.  And, if memory serves me correctly, my team lost every game.  Thus ending any desire I had to ever play organized team sports.

So, you might understand that I was somewhat resistant when Will starting asking to play T-ball.  Not only did I think he would find the experience frustrating but I also didn't want my Thursday and Saturday committed for 8 weeks!
Fortunately, Joel vetoed my resistance.  Ben and Will have played T-ball for a month and are loving it! 

From the moment Will steps onto the field until we get home, he grins from ear-to-ear.  He's done a great job listening to instruction, enjoys practicing catch in the backyard with Dad, and is disappointed when practice is canceled because of rain.

Truth be told, I'm loving it, too!  They are just so darn cute in their little uniforms, batting helmets and gloves!!  And since there are no runs or outs in our league I don't have to worry that William's competitive nature is going to be frustrated by a losing season.

Now if I could just keep the Assistant Coach injury-free, we might try organized sports again next year.


  1. Love the picture of Ben running! Thankful that they're enjoying it...and you too! :)

  2. T-ball is so cute! Wish we could watch a game! I'm so glad everyone is enjoying!

  3. Great pictures! So glad that you guys are enjoying! Here's hoping everyone stays injury free from here on out!


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