Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Monet's Impressions" Book Review

Monet's Impressions, words and pictures by Claude Monet.  The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Chronicle Books, 2009.

I stumbled across this book at my local library.  It was laying out on a table in the children's section, abandoned and waiting to be re-shelved.  I have a fondness for Impressionist painting so I dropped it in our book bag and brought it home.

I'm so glad I did!!

The editors brought together some of Monet's famous paintings with text "taken form Monet's letters to family and friends and from articles in which he was quoted."  It makes for a poetic pairing as you see a picture on one page and sparse phrases on the facing page.

At the end of the book are thumbnails of the paintings, their titles, when and where they were painted and which museum owns them. 

This book is a GREAT way to introduce children to art, painting, Monet, or Impressionism.  And it's not heavy or awkward like a coffee table book.  It's just a simple children's picture book.

Do you have any art book recommendations?


  1. I love Monet, hopefully my kids will too.

  2. Oh! I was wondering about this book. I'm glad to know you liked it.


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