Monday, March 15, 2010

6 Tips to Beat Spring Fever with Little Kids

Every year March taunts those of us who live in New England.  It comes along with a few sunny days (50 degrees!) and we start to believe that Spring really is almost here.

This year I am determined not to be taken in!  Twelve years of living in Rhode Island has taught me not to pack away my coat and snow boots until the middle of April.

So, what's a mom to do with a house full of kids until April?  How does she help her children beat Spring fever?

1. Let them climb the walls.  Literally.

2.  Use every blanket and pillow in the house to build a fort.

3.  Practice for spring cleaning by letting them draw on the walls.

4.  Allow them to play with toys in a non-traditional place.

5.  See how many hair accessories you can use at once.

6.  Dip pretzels into melted chocolate chips.  Lick fingers often.

That's how we're beating Spring Fever around our house.  At least for now.  You never know, next week we might be building snowmen in our backyard again!

Do you have any tips for beating Spring Fever?


  1. Oh, I've been tempted to wash and pack up our winter coats, pants, boots, gloves, hats, scarves...but I know better, too! Who knows, maybe we'll be surprised this year?!

  2. Sounds like us.. AR weather this week: 70 degrees Friday and possible snow Sat. afternoon-- great weather for a bday party! Good luck-- we've got spring fever here!

  3. We cleaned off our outside children's play slide and are bringing it inside today to put upstairs in the bedroom. Just something fun and different to distract.

  4. Cute!

    I have no tips. I just continue to pray for patience and ask my girls *again* not to throw their ball in the house.



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