Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Ben!

Dear Benjamin,

Today you are 5 years old.  How did this happen?!  It feels like just yesterday I walked the hospital hallway waiting for you to be born.

My obstetrician, Dr. M. guessed that you were around 8 pounds.  She was very surprised by how big you were when she delivered you.  I remember her asking the nurses how much you weighed - 9 pounds 9 ounces.  No wonder my belly was so big!!

You are about average in size now but even our pediatrician, Dr. S., says you are "solid."  He's right!  You are very muscular.  Probably because you are extremely active.  You love to play outside, run up and down our hallway and literally climb the walls.

For the last 6 months you've been very interested in animals.  During rest time you usually pour over the pictures in your animal encyclopedia or your bird encyclopedia.  At the library you are more interested in the animal books than the story books.  One day you'll be able to read the descriptions of the animals for yourself but for now you are happy to have Daddy or me read them to you.

Your interest in animals is also evident in your drawings.  Almost every day you fill pages and pages with pictures of various animals you've seen in your books or watching videos.  All that practice is making you really good at drawing.

Your personality has definitely developed this past year.  Without a doubt you are an introvert and very shy.  Large groups of people scare you.  Making new friends is not easy for you.  It's hard for me not to push you to be more outgoing.  I know the smart and funny boy that you are and I want other people to know that about you also.

I am glad God put you in our family 5 years ago so I can watch you grow up.  Just don't grow up too fast!  Happy Birthday!!

Love always,


  1. =D

    (Bookworm1 was 9 lbs. 11 oz. which is not too different from Ben and also received audible GASPS from both of the doctors - which I might have found funnier under different circumstances). I think Ben and Bookworm1 would get along tremendously with the same shared interests. =)


    Now DO stop growing!

  2. What a precious post! I teach Kindergarten and when he is a young adult, you will have to share this post with your son. What a lovely gift for him!

  3. Happy Birthday Ben! Today, 24th, is Natalie's birthday. Too bad we aren't closer. We could throw a party!
    How was the trip to the aquarium?

  4. Steph, I love this post! Isn't it so neat to see how God made each of our kids so uniquely. I bet Ben would love the Usborne World of Animals book. It has AMAZING pictures and has animals divided by geography. We used it this year...part of Sonlight's Science 1 package. Caleb loves it and the teacher in me loves that we're hitting science and geography at the same time!!! :)


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