Monday, February 1, 2010

February Weekly or Monthly Menu Plan

My weekly menu or meal plan for the week:
Like I explained last week, I'll be using this menu each week in February.  There may be a few alterations during the month since we have a home school event and a birthday to celebrate this month.  But for the most part this is it.

  • A few months ago Meredith inspired me to cook several pots of pinto and red kidney beans.  I then scooped roughly 3 cups of pintos and 2 cups of kidneys into individual freezer bags.  I use one bag of each kind to make chili each week.  I have saved a TON of money by doing this!
  • I also double the chicken pot pie recipe and cook 3 smallish pies at a time.  We eat one and freeze the other two (when they've cooled).  Just carefully remove from pan, wrap well in plastic wrap and aluminum foil, and place in freezer.  Square or rectangle shapes work better than the traditional pie.  I love grabbing a homemade supper from the freezer!!
Visit OrgJunkie for more meal plan ideas.


  1. Lookin' good! I just finished my February menu and will get to the store tomorrow! Hooray! Great feeling!

    I, too, made a crock-pot full of kidney beans and black beans. So easy and so much cheaper! My kidney beans got a little over-done (MUSHY) due to some extenuating circumstances so I made them into "refried beans" and put 'em in the freezer. I think we'll enjoy them! :)

  2. I like to freeze things too. It really comes in handy when I'm in a pinch for time.

  3. Your menu looks yummy! I am loving freezing our leftovers for another meal. It saves so much time. I have even gotten my mom & sis into menu planning this month!

  4. i do the same with my beans :)


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