Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Help Haiti Earthquake Victims

Have you been following the news about the earthquake that struck Haiti?  The devastation is mind-numbing.  It also makes me want to DO something.

But what can a stay-at-home mom in Rhode Island do to help the families hurt by the Haiti earthquake?

I can help provide a relief pack filled with enough food and water to sustain a family for one week by giving $35 to Compassion International's Haiti Earthquake Response Fund.

Compassion sponsors and donors serve more than 65,000 children in Haiti. At least a third of them live in the areas that were hardest hit. Because Compassion International ministers through local churches to meet the needs of that church's neighbors, and because these church partners are respected aid workers in their communities, Compassion is uniquely positioned to assess and meet the needs of it's sponsored children quickly. 

Will you join me in providing a family with food and water for a week?  

If you have any questions about Compassion International please email me!  We've sponsored 3 children in Uganda for the last 2 years and I can't say enough good things about this organization!!

1 comment:

  1. Even months and months after the earthquake, Haitians still need help. I pray to God that they can find a way to unite and turn this tragedy into something better for themselves and others. I recently returned from Haiti, and what's still going on there is no joke.


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