Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009!!

Merry Christmas!

This year we've enjoyed a slow and lazy Christmas.  Our family opened part of our gifts Christmas Eve.  We started this tradition a couple of years ago as a way to help us focus more on Jesus and less on our presents.  (We don't do Santa but that's a whole other post.)  We'll finish opening gifts Monday morning with Joel's parents (who arrive late Sunday night).

We really had a non-traditional celebration this year!  Domino's "catered" Christmas Eve supper and Christmas Day lunch.  Joel scrambled eggs and toasted bagels for Christmas breakfast.  And I whipped up a batch of Creamy Chicken Enchiladas for Christmas dinner.  Who needs a pecan pie and fudge to have a "real" Christmas?

Even though we were a little off the beaten path for our meals, we did follow our tradition of giving each boy a tool.  Sam received a tape measure; Will received a level and hex wrenches; and Ben received a set of crescent wrenches.  Don't they look ready to help Daddy?

All in all, it was a restful and happy day together as a family.


  1. What a fun tradition of the tools! =) And I love the first picture of your kids (laughing). That's so fun.

    Sounds like you had a great Christmas! ANd hey - I was really tempted to go the pizza route myself. Instead we went the taco salad route. Easy and we like it. =)

  2. Who needs traditional foods. When we spend Christmas with my Dad's sisters, we have burgers, hot dogs, and summer cook out foods.
    As long as you are with loved ones, food doesn't matter. :)

  3. Love the pictures of the kids. They really looked like they had a great day.

    I think pizza is a great idea for dinner/lunch. We had fried chicken. It is delicious and we don't have it all that often because of the extra work involved. We did add stuffing and crescent rolls to the meal which isn't typical. So I guess those are our "Christmas foods". : )

  4. Hi Steph! I have just enjoyed looking at your December pictures! So I see Sam is into laundry. :) Such cute pictures! I remember the tool tradition and love the pictures of the boys with those. Connor's birthday buddy is adorable!!

    We had to travel for my sister's wedding (day after Christmas) so we were on the road on Christmas Day and were so busy beforehand that we didn't even THINK about how EVERYTHING is closed. So guess who had to find some Mylanta after she ate Christmas Dinner at Waffle House!!! :) ...a BLT. ugh! :) We would have been thrilled if we had found a Domino's open. :)

    I've been swimming in co-op preparations, work, home school, and just LIFE in general so it's been too long...I'm so excited to catch up here and see what you guys are up to! :)


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